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Tournament Welcome 2018 7 years 2 months ago #6265

BTPro team announces a Special "Welcome 2018" event!!

When this Event is announced, 2017 will still be ruling. But when it happens, 2018 will be 2 weeks old. Speaking in "years" age, the perfect timing to understand that 2018 is welcome ^^
And 2018 will know that we're prepared for the easy and harsh parts of it. So, lets start with "hard mode" activated. Breakdowns and Disasters will be enabled and several costs raised.
Preparing for the worse will make other aspects smooth and almost effortless to overcome. I'm talking of games too ;)
So, lets try it the Australian way, includes driving "lefty", and see the details.

Required NewGRF's:
- Auztralian Industries AuzInd170 (v7) - AuzInd170.grf;
- Australian AuzTrains and NSWTrains AuzTrains (v29) - AuzTrains.grf;
- Road Hog (v1.3.0) - road-hog.grf;
- Squid Ate FISH (v2.0.3) - fish.grf;
- av8 Aviators Aircraft Set (v2.21) - pb_av8w.grf;
- Base Costs Mod (v5): basecosts.grf; (all air related - build, maintenance and running costs - are 4x and terraforming double)
- Reduced Passenger Payment (v1.0): reducedPassengerPayment.grf; (reduces to half the passengers and mail payments)
- AuzObjects Fake Bridges Culverts (v1) - AuzObjects_BridgesAndEmbankments.grf;
- AuzObjects Farms (v1) - AuzObjects_Farms.grf;
- AuzObjects Towns (v1) - AuzObjects_Towns.grf;
- AuzObjects Fake Roads (v1) - AuzObjects_FakeRoads.grf;
- AuzObjects Fake Trains (v2) - AuzObjects_FakeTrains.grf;
- AuzObjects Fences (v2) - AuzObjects_Fences.grf;
- AuzObjects FakeRailwayLines (v3) - AuzObjects_FakeRailwayLines.grf;
- AuzObjects Land And Water (v6) - AuzObjects_LandAndWater.grf;
- AuzObjects Landscape (v3) - AuzObjects_Landscape.grf;
- AuzObjects Rail (v6) - AuzObjects_Rail.grf;
All can be downloaded under "Check Online Content" option/button or "Find missing content online", when server is selected.

Tournament Date:
- 14/01/2018 (Sunday, January 14th) - 15:00 (GMT)

Server Specifics:
- Random map - Will be launched 1 hour before tournament starts;
- Game version: The stable OpenTTD version on tournament's date;
- Gamescript: xShunter Company Value;
- Landscape: Desert;
- Map size: 1024x2048
- BTPro rules: openttd.btpro.nl/forum/11-server-rules/10-server-rules
- Start: 1995; End: Goal
- Companies Autoclean: OFF;
- Limits: Trains: 1000, Road vehicles: 1000, Ships: 30, Aircraft: 50 | Station spread: 8 tile(s)
- Breakdowns: ON;
- Disasters: ON;
- Max Loan: 400000 GBP;
- Multiple similar industries per town enabled;
- Max companies: 15;
- Max players per company: 2;
- Goal: Reach a Company Value of 30.000.000 euros;

Reward Points:
- The reward formula will be the one used on CV servers PLUS a bonus of 2x for winner(s) and 1,5x to the others (and some other bonifications ^^).
- BTPro VIP Membership: 1st, 3 months; 2nd, 2 months; 3rd, 1 month. (if more that 1 player per company, days will be divided).
- Registration is not mandatory, but only players that sign up here to tournament will have reserved slots and points.
- Logged in players will also get bonus points for playing.
- Minimal Company Value to receive points: 100.000.000 (10 % of the goal).
- Points would be adjusted after.

Registering will be closed at January 14th, 14:00.

The above settings may be subject to change.

Meanwhile, all can practice on our ..:: TRAINING SERVER ::.. Enjoy the games :)

Good luck to us all :)
The following user(s) said Thank You: Frank, Rosco, Anni, tomb, Waleriks, chris123
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Last edit: by ST2.

Tournament Welcome 2018 7 years 2 months ago #6266

Reply on this topic to sign up for this event/tournament. To be on same company with other player, please state that, the first player must agree!

Companies/registered players:
1: Waleriks and Jakawa - OP Brothers Transport (red)
2: Anni and tomb - A&T Transport (pink)
3: EricBrazil - EricBrazil Transport
4: Rosco - Sinemaligna Trans (light green)
5: solo - solo Transport
6: Iceman - Iceman Transport
7: Blackyjack - Blackyjack Transport
8: chris123 - chris123 Transport
  • ST2
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Last edit: by ST2.

Tournament Welcome 2018 7 years 2 months ago #6267

sign me up. The company will be called "OP Brothers", color red
The following user(s) said Thank You: ST2

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Tournament Welcome 2018 7 years 2 months ago #6268

ST2, sign me up with Anni please :-) Company is A&T, the color is pink!
The following user(s) said Thank You: ST2, Anni
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Tournament Welcome 2018 7 years 2 months ago #6269

also participates Jakawa , he's will team up with me

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Tournament Welcome 2018 7 years 2 months ago #6271

I'm having an issue with this NewGRF on the training server:
Squid Ate FISH (v2.0.3) - fish.grf;

Can't find it on bananas, I thought since it's already used on some servers maybe if I reinstall it but no - maybe the problem is not on my side after all. Just lettin you know =)

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Last edit: by kraFtzu. Reason: forgot to mention this concerns the training server
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