Welcome to the BTPro VIP Membership Page! 
(Note: You are currently NOT logged in. Please log in HERE to see your VIP membership details or to become a BTPro VIP member!)
(We also have some general rules! Click HERE to read them!)
As a BTPro VIP Member you will get some "Extra's" :-) Like:
• Sponsor Games:
You will be sponsoring games on BTPro, your (nick)name will be mentioned in-game as the sponsor of the current game.
• Get FAMOUS on BTPro
Your (nick)name will be extra mentioned as VIP member when you log in to your account on any BTPro server.
• Distinguish Yourself from the Crowd:
You will get a special VIP forum ranking on the BTPro website when posting.(Click HERE to see an example :-) )
• Every Sponsored game Counts:
Your (nick)name will be mentioned on the website's '"Game Results" page as the sponsor of the finalized game.
• Access to the "!saveme" command in-game:
You will get access to the !saveme command. This will save your company from being autocleaned when you're offline.(Note: The game WILL continue when other players are playing, so if the goal gets reached your company will be closed!)
• Access to VIP ONLY Server(s):
You will get access to special BTPro VIP Members ONLY server(s), where ONLY VIP members can create a company.(Note: You WILL be able to invite NON-VIPs into your company to play together with you!)
• Support BTPro in keeping this community alive
You will be supporting BTPro with new developments, server costs, etc.So, how does it work I hear you ask and what does it cost?
Here are the steps and method(s):
• Payment / Donation by PayPal:
Ofcourse there is always the possibility to do a payment by Paypal. When doing a payment by Paypal we need toalter your account manually which could take a little longer, but you can get more VIP days at once.
The sum for the amount of days you get as VIP member will be: € 0,10 for 1 day.
Example: You make a payment with PayPal of € 10,-. Then we will do: 10 (euro) / 0.10 (Price per day) = 100 days!
You can make a paypal payment by pressing the button below. Just make sure to sent a PM afterwards with your in-game
(nick)name that you made this payment to Frank AND ST2!
- When you pay 50 euro's or more via PayPal, you will ALSO get the "Donator" Status on BTPro!
- When you pay 200 euro's or more via PayPal, you will get the "LIFETIME VIP Membership" AND "Epic Donator" Status on BTPro :-)

Some general rules on the VIP membership:
• You will NOT gain extra rights on the BTPro Servers (or any other servers for that matter)!
• ALL rules in-game stay the same for ALL (LifeTime) VIP members!
• The VIP Membership is NOT meant to "Buy-Off" your ban (in some cases it could help though ;-) )!
• No refunds can be given after a purchase. All VIP membership sales are final!
• Beers are NOT included ;-)
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