Currently Playing on server: 3 (CV) #3 - QUICK GOAL - 25MIL|TEMPERATE|1965-GOAL|5SHP|NOAIR
Current Game is sponsored by our VIP member: HerrTyp
Current Year: 1974 | Players/Max: 1/18 | Companies/Max: 2/15
Goal = € 25,000,000 (25 Million) in Company Value
Currently Playing on server: 4 (CV) #4 - SHORT GOAL - 150MIL|DESERT|1985-GOAL|10SHPS|NOAIR
Current Game is sponsored by our VIP member: Rami
Current Year: 2055 | Players/Max: 2/18 | Companies/Max: 4/15
Goal = € 150,000,000 (150 Million) in Company Value
Currently Playing on server: 5 (CV) #5 - LONG GOAL - 1000MIL|DESERT|2000-GOAL|15SHPS
Current Game is sponsored by our VIP member: dylanf
Current Year: 2065 | Players/Max: 2/18 | Companies/Max: 2/15
Goal = € 1,000,000,000 (1000 Million) in Company Value
Currently Playing on server: 8 (CV) #8 - QUICK GOAL - 25MIL|WINTER|1980-GOAL|NOAIR
Current Game is sponsored by our VIP member: asbohoody
Current Year: 1980 | Players/Max: 0/18 | Companies/Max: 1/15
Goal = € 25,000,000 (25 Million) in Company Value
Rank | Player Name | Company Name | Company Value | Money | Current Loan | Starting Year |
Currently Playing on server: 17 (CV) #K1 - EXTREME GOAL - 15BIL|TEMPERATE|2020-GOAL|NOBRK
Current Game is sponsored by our VIP member: Anni
Current Year: 2093 | Players/Max: 0/35 | Companies/Max: 3/15
Goal = € 15,000,000,000 (15000 Million) in Company Value
Rank | Player Name | Company Name | Company Value | Money | Current Loan | Starting Year |
Currently Playing on server: 19 (CV) #K3 - ULTRA HARD GOAL - 50MIL|TEMPERATE|1970-GOAL
Current Game is sponsored by our VIP member: Exltlum
Current Year: 1990 | Players/Max: 1/32 | Companies/Max: 4/15
Goal = € 50,000,000 (50 Million) in Company Value
Currently Playing on server: 24 (CB) #12A CITYBUILDER - 8000pop|TEMPERATE|1980-GOAL|NOBRK|NOAIR
Current Game is sponsored by our VIP member: Exltlum
Current Year: 1988 | Players/Max: 3/25 | Companies/Max: 5/15
Goal = 8000 Inhabitants in Home Town
Rank | Player Name | Company Name | Home Town | Population | Growth Rate | Starting Year | |
1 (69%) | Swat | Swat Transport | Chuntburg | 5516 | Every 2 Days | 1980 | |
Additional information about Chuntburg:Click here for a seperate window with this, and more infoHint: You can use this seperate window for a second screen! |
2 (29%) | ZikO -(RUS) | ZikO -(RUS) Transport | Wrendinghall | 2333 | Every 5 Days | 1984 | |
Additional information about Wrendinghall:Click here for a seperate window with this, and more infoHint: You can use this seperate window for a second screen! |
3 (27%) | [Addut] Mecci | [Addut] Mecci Transport | Lendston | 2177 | Every 5 Days | 1982 | |
Additional information about Lendston:Click here for a seperate window with this, and more infoHint: You can use this seperate window for a second screen! |
Currently Playing on server: 27 (CB) #27 - CITYBUILDER APHID's - 12000pop|TEMPERATE|1980-GOAL
Current Game is sponsored by our VIP member: ishawe
Current Year: 2005 | Players/Max: 2/25 | Companies/Max: 3/15
Goal = 12000 Inhabitants in Home Town
Rank | Player Name | Company Name | Home Town | Population | Growth Rate | Starting Year | |
1 (6%) | WBcom | WBcom Transport | Puningpool | 716 | Every 65535 Days | 2000 | |
Additional information about Puningpool:Click here for a seperate window with this, and more infoHint: You can use this seperate window for a second screen! |
2 (2%) | Seyda | Seyda Transport | Tendingworth | 255 | Every 15 Days | 1991 | |
Additional information about Tendingworth:Click here for a seperate window with this, and more infoHint: You can use this seperate window for a second screen! |
Currently Playing on server: 28 (CB) #28 - CITYBUILDER APHID's - 7500pop|DESERT|1990-GOAL
Current Game is sponsored by our VIP member: wwoutt
Current Year: 2000 | Players/Max: 1/25 | Companies/Max: 2/15
Goal = 7500 Inhabitants in Home Town
Rank | Player Name | Company Name | Home Town | Population | Growth Rate | Starting Year | |
1 (28%) | TerroRisto | TerroRisto Transport | Darnville | 2125 | Every 13 Days | 1993 | |
Additional information about Darnville:Click here for a seperate window with this, and more infoHint: You can use this seperate window for a second screen! |
Currently Playing on server: 29 (CB) #29 - CITYBUILDER APHID's Arctic - 6000pop|WINTER|1990-GOAL
Current Game is sponsored by our VIP member: Amko
Current Year: 1992 | Players/Max: 0/25 | Companies/Max: 1/15
Goal = 6000 Inhabitants in Home Town
Rank | Player Name | Company Name | Home Town | Population | Growth Rate | Starting Year |
Currently Playing on server: 30 (CB) #30 - FIRS APHID's CITYBUILDER - 14000pop|TEMPERATE|1990-GOAL
Current Game is sponsored by our VIP member: Aqueelone
Current Year: 1997 | Players/Max: 0/25 | Companies/Max: 2/15
Goal = 14000 Inhabitants in Home Town
Rank | Player Name | Company Name | Home Town | Population | Growth Rate | Starting Year |
Currently Playing on server: 31 (Cargo) #31 - CARGO Goal - 300.000 units |RANDOM map|START-GOAL
Current Game is sponsored by our VIP member: bobbytables
Current Year: 2002 | Players/Max: 0/25 | Companies/Max: 1/15
Goal = 300,000 items of Cargo delivered
Rank | Player Name | Company Name | Money | Cargo | Starting Year |
Currently Playing on server: 33 (BusyBee) #33 - BusyBee Goals | Random Map & Random Climate | START-GOAL
Current Game is sponsored by our VIP member: Sir Sandor
Current Year: 1977 | Players/Max: 0/25 | Companies/Max: 1/15
Goal = 30 BusyBee goals completed
Rank | Player Name | Company Name | Money | BusyBee Goals | Starting Year |
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