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OpenTTD is an (Free) open source simulation game based upon Transport Tycoon Deluxe

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!!! BTPro Client Latest Update: the 18th of Juli 2024 !!!
!!! Current OpenTTD Version: 14.1 !!!

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Keyboard shortcuts 11 years 1 week ago #2624

Hello all. I've recently returned to OpenTTD and having played a few years ago I gotta say I really like the improvements, ease of login, etc. I wanted to started a topic/discussion about keyboard shortcuts. I play on 7 100% of the time right now and I'm not leaving there until I can complete a game in under 2 hours. I'm constantly looking to improve my game and like to play around with keyboard commands to try and help me become more efficient. So I've got one question and then I was hoping some would contribute of the shortcuts they most commonly used

Is there a keyboard command to make a window sticky? I like to keep a fair amount of windows open when starting and am wondering if there is anything I could do to make this efficient. Apologies if something like this has already been started/posted but I didn't find anything like this.

Good gaming all.

-TJ aka Bubba
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Keyboard shortcuts 11 years 1 week ago #2625

Hi TJ,

I don't think there is a keyboard shortcut for making windows sticky, just the pin in the top right corner unfortunately. When closing down stickied windows you can use "SHIFT+DEL" though to close all windows ("DEL" will just close the non-sticky ones).

In terms of shortcuts and hotkeys that I use the most:

lower = GLOBAL+Q
raise = GLOBAL+W
level = GLOBAL+E
dynamite = GLOBAL+D

autorail = GLOBAL+A
station = GLOBAL+R
signal = S (when rail toolbar open)
bridge = B (when rail/road toolbar open)
tunnel = T (when rail/road toolbar open)

autoroad = GLOBAL+S

toggle_transparency = X

Just in case you're not aware, you need to be careful when using some of the hotkeys when you have other windows up. For example, pressing D when you want to use the dynamite tool will skip a vehicle order if you have the vehicle orders window up.

Hope that helps a bit. A list of all the hotkeys can be found in the hotkeys.cfg file if you want to look at more.


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Keyboard shortcuts 11 years 1 week ago #2626

I'll post my hotkeys too then. Mine are kind of final. Some small edits still needed on some buttons. But im waiting for dP to add spacebar + TAB key :)

console = BACKQUOTE
delete_windows = ESC
transparency_toolbar = CTRL+X
toggle_transparency = X
chat_all = SHIFT+RETURN
chat_company = RETURN

small_screenshot = F12
client_list = F4
build_hq = F6
trees = GLOBAL+6

lower = GLOBAL+Q
raise = GLOBAL+W
level = GLOBAL+E
placesign = GLOBAL+F5

skip = 4
delete = 3
goto = 1

airport = GLOBAL+F3

autorail = GLOBAL+A
demolish = GLOBAL+D
depot = V
station = C
signal = GLOBAL+S
bridge = F
tunnel = G
remove = R
convert = T

autoroad = GLOBAL+Z
depot = V
bus_station = B
truck_station = C
oneway = T
bridge = F
tunnel = G
remove = R

depot_go_all = 2
depot_build_vehicle = 1
depot_clone_vehicle = 5

vehicle_orders = 1
vehicle_go = 2

fund_buildings = F1
build_statue = F2

(making orders shortcuts)
CTRL+click = full load any cargo
SHIFT+click = Transfer
ALT+click = Unload all leave empty

Questions? =)

Edit: BTW why do u want a shortcut for sticky? to clone trains? If you have 1080p screen u can have 2-3 trains open at once without a problem(stickied ofc) once uve sticky u dont wanna remove it anyway so why need a hotkey for it?

BigCheese thats why u move skip key to 4 ;)
//Magnus 'Saber' Jonsson
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Last edit: by Saber.

Keyboard shortcuts 11 years 6 days ago #2628

Saber, i hope you know im trolling, but if you press ESC, it deletes ur Windows op system? :lol:

however to answer to the question as well:
i usually build mostly trains, so i dont really care about RV shortcuts.
if u want to build railroad fast, then learn to do it with autorail (press A), its much faster than the other way, and press ctrl to remove rail. so with A and ctrl u can build rail really fast, and thats great, cuz on a company value server u want to do it the most.
jah, and a new feature in btpro client, when giving orders if u press ctrl while giving the order, that will be "full load", and shit for "transport and leave empty".

these are the tricks helped me to build quite really fast.
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Keyboard shortcuts 11 years 6 days ago #2629

dat troll ;)
//Magnus 'Saber' Jonsson
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Keyboard shortcuts 11 years 6 days ago #2630

but then what is that delete_windows? :P

jah and forgot something, theres a quite great thing in the btpro client, when u move ur cursor on a economical building, it shows how much it produces, u can save several clicks with this feature.
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