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This community was build around the game: OpenTTD
OpenTTD is an (Free) open source simulation game based upon Transport Tycoon Deluxe

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Screenshot created 3 Minutes ago on server:
-BTPro.nl- #5 - LONG GOAL - 1000MIL|DESERT|2000-GOAL|15SHPS:

OpentTTD Screenshot

Make sure to download the newest version of the Modified OpenTTD Client from the "BTPro OpenTTD Client Talk" Forum!

!!! BTPro Client Latest Update: the 18th of Juli 2024 !!!
!!! Current OpenTTD Version: 14.1 !!!

Goto the "BTPro OpenTTD Client Talk" forum to download the client and leave a message if it's working for you

Currently we have 4 Server Operators:

Frank, ST2, Wacko1976, Inscius!

We are badly looking for moderators!

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Admins will act on the basis that ALL players know the game and it's mechanics.
We think that no one goes to an online game without first some practice and know how to play it.
Companies without registered nicknames (as shown in Client List) on it, can be reset without warning!
To learn OpenTTD mechanics, there is a forum/wiki and... a Single Player mode!!
Practice before playing on BTPro, and if you decide to start, READ THE RULES first.

If you wish to become part of the BTPro Server Operator family, ensuring that the rules are upheld with fairly and justly,
the willingness to teach new players on how to play the game and to make sure BTPro is one of the most relaxed,
entertaining servers out there for OpenTTD then apply in the Moderator Applications section below!

Also do not hesitate to ask us a question in the forums or when you see us online on one of the servers!

Happy Gaming!

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Busy Bee 8 years 3 months ago #5598


I've seen that since today there are some changes on the Busy Bee goals.
I don't know if there is something like a "changelog" somewhere but I found out 2 important things:
1st: You don't get the goals immediately after opening a new company but after some time.
2nd: You don't get any repetitive goals.
And this second point makes a very big difference compared to the earlier games where you had to transport the same goods to the same company more times. In my opinion this makes the game mode much more challenging, interesting and not so much luck-dependent as it was earlier. To my amusement I found also out that you get much more points now.

But there is one problem: It takes more time to finish the game and I'm afraid it will be almost impossible to reach the fastest recorded times. Just to show the difference: It took me 1:51 today to complete 30 goals and my usual time was 1:20-1:25 and fastest 1:07(55).

So my suggestion/request would be to cancel the old times or put them in an archive or on a "foreverthebest"-stone and start a new documentation from today/tomorrow/next week...

Best regards

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Busy Bee 8 years 3 months ago #5599

yup, you're correct, the latest changes can be checked here with the exact intention of avoid repeating goals. The waiting times happens because script test them first before presenting them to the company - original testing times was 4,5 months but I've reduced it because, imo, it's loo long waiting time.

About the best times you're correct again. But I wouldn't worry too much; will be forgotten the end of the year ;)

Thanks for the report :)
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Busy Bee 8 years 3 months ago #5601

Thanks for your reply.

About the changelog I have to say that I can't find a list of the changes or (and that's what I think) I can't read code and there you can see only the changed code. But does not matter, it works and that's all I have to know.

About the times you may be right that at the end of the year .... OOOOHHHH, oooohhh, now I got it. You see, I understood it during writing :)
Somehow I had in my mind that this are "all time"-best times but they are just for this year.

Well, so no more new records on 2016 but from 01.01.2017 I can attack again :)

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