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OpenTTD is an (Free) open source simulation game based upon Transport Tycoon Deluxe

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!!! BTPro Client Latest Update: the 18th of Juli 2024 !!!
!!! Current OpenTTD Version: 14.1 !!!

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8K temperate under 1H? How is this even possible? 5 years 11 months ago #6890

Hi folks, I play since some time now and I'm beginning to enjoy playing alone to (try to) beat my high score. Now I can hardly play faster than 1 hour. My best score ever is around 57min with favourable game circumstances (begin with nicely populated town, industry not too far away, no break from goods or mail). I just DONT STOP clicking and I cant beat my 57min. How are some heroes here doing so fast? I really wonder!

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8K temperate under 1H? How is this even possible? 5 years 11 months ago #6891

I suppose you can improve town layout and advertise.
Read the following forum thread, please:


Especially, see dP's post containing some useful links, including his great "OpenTTD town growth emulator".
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8K temperate under 1H? How is this even possible? 5 years 11 months ago #6892

1. Take good, not ugly starting town more than 19 buildings.
2. Town reating 1000 as fast as possible.
3. Deliver pax+mail as fast as possiible.
4. Make good road leyyout with no sharp ends usign brain.
5. Goods as fast as possible.
6. No red months.
7. Monuments, parks take place but dont have habitants so correcting (destroying) them can be good way to faster grow (but not allways, and try to be not very brutal at once time).
8. Luck.
9. Respect rules.
10. Allways be nice for Vladimir Putin when see him in game.

:kiss: :kiss: :kiss:
The following user(s) said Thank You: ST2, trastanechora, Anni, TotorLemposchka, tomb

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8K temperate under 1H? How is this even possible? 5 years 11 months ago #6893

#10 - nice rule ;)
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8K temperate under 1H? How is this even possible? 5 years 11 months ago #6894

Because my post was so weel recived and there are so many answers i will write some more :)

1. Firt when come in game dont start company, first thing You must to doo is find good starting town. Good starting town means a lot of buildings (more than 19) but its not all. Dont climbe towns with bridges, dont climb towns blocked by industries or a lot of water (water cost a lot to fix). I prefere flat terran but its possible got very fast game with not flat terran but you need more time to make coorect read leyyout. Your climed town should be not farr away from larg city (pumping town) more than 2000 habitants.

2. Ok so we got good starting town not far away from large puming town so we starting- not coorect. We must know HOW start and WHEN start. WE USE BRAIN and watch our town we want to climb and whink how we make road layyout - target is coorect ass little roads in our town as it possible. When we know how we make road layyout we do one of the most importang thing in all game, we decide where locate our HQ and where locate our first train station. We must know execly place for HQ and station before start game. Second thing is our pumping large town- we must find good place to locate pumping station that range will gives us as many pumping building ass possible (bacuse of mee administrator make changes in game and now we can destroy one or two [depend on serve] building/month and a few roads in pumping town). Make it usufull and destoy a few roads in pumping town to make station closer to buildings. OK so we know where locate HQ, where locate station in clim town and where locate station im pumping town so we want start- not correct. We must know WHEN to start - its important. To deliver pax + mail good player needs less than 2 months after start. Why its important ? Because there is real diffrend beetwen delivering pax + mail 31 last month or 1 next month so when you pracise start schematic you will know when start game to daliver pax+mail at the end of month (one red month- 1,5 min).

3.We know how start and when start so we start. Climb your town- make HQ in place you find before and make station train station in pumping town in a place you found before. I use 5 rang station and train 6 pax + 2 mail. Train is loading so we go to our clim town and make 4 or 5 bus station + 4 buses to grow up our town raing. Its important to make bus station at the baganing of month- buses should use bus station a few times to grow up raing. If you doo it at the end of month raing will FALL DOWN so beeter do nothing if you do it wrong. So we got now train loading in pumping town and buses in our climbed town now its time to do train station in our climbed town in place we choose before and make coonnecition to pumping town station. When you got good timing you will make it execly when you first train will load and go to our climb city delivering pax and mail. Now make second railway line, make semafores and buy second train. Ok 2 trais enough at baganing but only when we transefer pax and mail in all our pumping city to train so we make bus and mail station in pumping town in area not use by train station and transer to train station. Now make good road leyyout in climbed town (you can start dooing good leyyout before when got a little free time)

4. Ok so we are in 3rd moth of start and city is grren, we finished builing our road layyout and raing is growing up so now its easy. Coonect second pumping town and start making goods and transer them to clim town. All month are green, when climbed city accept goods deliver them. When you good start with good timing you will be suprised how fast your town is growing and all thing you must to doo now is delivering pasangers + mail + goods and NO RED MONTHS (1,5min).

5. Destroing building in climbed is disputable. Destoying low people builings in center gives space to large one (or park:D) but less builngs in town got bad influence to grow speed and "perspektive" area- i destoy but not mutch.

6. Road leyyout- i dont know wchich road leyyout is best, perhabs its not invented (You got space to make it). I use allways the same road leyyout- many of You saw- but Tankos great player is using diffrend perhabs better than mine but nobody knows wchich is the best (meyby non of us).

7.Use electical or diesel locomotive? Answer is easy take diesel engines because track is cheaper, locomotive is cheaper and... in 1980 game starting year best diesel engine is 200km/h and best electrical is ... 160km/h (it shoul be changed by moderators because changing it to normal -more expencive electrical track and locomotives should give more potencial). I know what im writing because when start in very late game im not sure about 1987 there is avalible electrical powerfull lovomotive i think called TIM expencive but it change starting schematic. Ofcourse if you start very late use electrical TIM but i dont got good timing and schematic of start because there are very few games when i start so late. Its sad because its element of game with potencial (invest more but got faster delivery pax + mail).

8. Use BT pro client with hotkeys, its impossible to good start using only mouse. You must use keys like: Q, R, SHIFT, CTRL, DEL, A, A--->7, A---->9, B, X.

9. Im not sure that correcting pumping town is allowed for all game (im sure its allowed to make enter train station)- ofcourse adding roads is allowed but destoying for all game one or two (depend on server) builings/moth in pumping town can make ST2 furius so dont be brutal for pumping town or make it when ST2 dont see it :) [destoying stadium in center of pumping town can give you 4x200 habitants large buildings]

"Rule #6

No destruction of town/city buildings or road pieces, removal of a single piece of town/city to make room for your station is allowed." - ok, so rule is clear, NO destruction means NO so we only destroy sigle piece to enter pumping station but NO destroy in later game, we only add roads in pumping town (effect is same when destroying- pumping town will grow fast)

ST2 see everything

10. Allways be nice for Vladimir Putin
The following user(s) said Thank You: Frank, nagyvarga, Globus, Anni, TotorLemposchka, tomb, Penth

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Last edit: by Vladimir Putin.

8K temperate under 1H? How is this even possible? 5 years 11 months ago #6896

Oh wow, this brings the competition to a totally new level! Spassiba, Kamarad!

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