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This community was build around the game: OpenTTD
OpenTTD is an (Free) open source simulation game based upon Transport Tycoon Deluxe

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!!! BTPro Client Latest Update: the 18th of Juli 2024 !!!
!!! Current OpenTTD Version: 14.1 !!!

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Frank, ST2, Wacko1976, Inscius!

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Admins will act on the basis that ALL players know the game and it's mechanics.
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Companies without registered nicknames (as shown in Client List) on it, can be reset without warning!
To learn OpenTTD mechanics, there is a forum/wiki and... a Single Player mode!!
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Also do not hesitate to ask us a question in the forums or when you see us online on one of the servers!

Happy Gaming!


2 companies reach goal in same quarter-year 12 years 4 days ago #1687

the company value gets checked (against the goal) every 3 months. when two companies reach the goal in that time, it can happen, that the company wins (and gets the full points) that reached the goal second! i would propose, that in this case, the company with bigger CV wins, as it's most probably the one that reached the goal first.

for an example, check game 2850 on server 3. masakratownik reached the goal first, but hatrans won the game...

as a special case for server 3 (because the games are very quick and short), i would propose you shorten the check-time to 1 month, and maybe adjust the points accordingly. and also save the month (or at least quarter-year) a player joined the game, so one doesnt have to wait for the start of a year to get the most points.
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2 companies reach goal in same quarter-year 11 years 4 months ago #2341

this is still a problem, just happend to me now. i joined later in the game, and after a while overtook the other player.

but, we both have reached the CV in the same quarter-month, and this is how it ended up:

Game Number Player Company Value Years Played Points Scored Winner Goal Reached
4238 quix € 27,207,556 4 7 No 2013-10-18 21:16:06
4238 capcoast € 25,086,530 9 6 Yes 2013-10-18 21:16:06

i'd say that i should be the winner. i was the first to reach 25mil.

when the CV's where last checked by the server (1.jan), i had 24.6mil or so and missed the goal. the other player was already behind.
the next time (31.march), i was way over 25mil, but the other play also just reached the goal. because he is first to be checked in some server-internal list, he's that is checked against the goal, and since he has reached it too in the meantime, he's the winner....

like this:

for(all players){
//all others lose

when someone joins later in the game (further back in the players list) and both reach the goal between the checks, the longer-playing player wins always, even though the other was better.

i propose to also compare company values when there are "multiple winners", so the one with the better value actually wins. or shorted that check interval.
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2 companies reach goal in same quarter-year 11 years 4 months ago #2342

Hi Quix,

thanks for your bug report... I will try to look into it...

Since time is an issue nowadays with us for coding (i'm the only one coding this) it could happen that I will look into it later, cause there is more stuff on the shelve code-wise that needs to be checked unfortunately... Sorry about that. I hope you will understand.

Anyway, when I have some updates, I will let you know in this topic.

Thanks again.

Best regards,

Server Admin

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2 companies reach goal in same quarter-year 11 years 4 months ago #2344

Wow, thanks Quix, this explaines so much. :)

It happened to me too (I think, however I can't prove). Even once on N-Ice I had a game with (I think) this issue.
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2 companies reach goal in same quarter-year 9 years 5 months ago #4618

Sorry for necro-posting, but two years later, this issue still exists. I just lost a game that I should have won because 2 companies reached the goal in the same quarter, even though I got there first.
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2 companies reach goal in same quarter-year 9 years 5 months ago #4619

Perhaps this may help a little...

I have seen, in other discussions, that the 'score' depends on more than simply the goal.
It is affected, amongst other things, by 'company rating' and by how long it takes to get to the goal.
For example, a player who starts 10 years later and catches up will have higher 'score'.
I am sure the secret formula for the score is much more complicated than that, though :blink:

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