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OpenTTD is an (Free) open source simulation game based upon Transport Tycoon Deluxe

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!!! BTPro Client Latest Update: the 18th of Juli 2024 !!!
!!! Current OpenTTD Version: 14.1 !!!

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Frank, ST2, Wacko1976, Inscius!

We are badly looking for moderators!

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Admins will act on the basis that ALL players know the game and it's mechanics.
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Companies without registered nicknames (as shown in Client List) on it, can be reset without warning!
To learn OpenTTD mechanics, there is a forum/wiki and... a Single Player mode!!
Practice before playing on BTPro, and if you decide to start, READ THE RULES first.

If you wish to become part of the BTPro Server Operator family, ensuring that the rules are upheld with fairly and justly,
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Wacko1978 spoiling players' games 7 years 1 week ago #6438

Hi there,

I am Pir, playing here for the last 6 or 7 years.
I know you admins are making a good job and is very often not easy to deal with the players and their problems.
I may not always agree with all you decisions however recently Wacko1978 is applying arbitrary changes, delating the users and just spoiling their games without letting them have a chance to understand what they did wrong - it is just not fair.

People are here for fun and it not anymore with Wacko1978 for some time.

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Wacko1978 spoiling players' games 7 years 1 week ago #6439

Let me explain my vision of what happend.

First I mentioned the blue player his station was spreading. Meaning it had parts to it, only to enlarge his cover area so the station would accept wood it otherwise could not. This is a known cheat, rule 7 applies there. When he did not remove the mentioned parts, I did it for him. I even told him I did, so he could rearrange his station otherwise.
He started bitching right away, so Ikicked him, but letting him back ingame, no problem.
Then i mentioned your station in violation of rule 8, but you did not react either, so I fixed the station so it complies with rule 8.
As i already told player blue, the rules apply to all, otherwise we get a discussion everytime wether or not to enforce the rules.
Then you started with:
[20:07.45] <+ttd-srv19> Unregistered380726 (Pink): screw u admin
Upon which I kicked you too, letting you right back in, but you continued calling me a kid for spoiling all the fun.
followed by:
[20:10.27] <+ttd-srv19> Unregistered380726 (Pink): i guess ur balls are small
Which is reason enough for a ban, because rule 1 kicks in here. And that's where you crossed the line regarding you language against an admin, so I figured a company reset was justified there.
I wasnt thinking it was so bad you needed a cooldown ban, but
[20:12.19] <+ttd-srv19> Unregistered380726 (Red): jeezz what an asshole
almost made me reconsider it.
I hope you can still enjoy playing our servers, but i would appreciate it if you follow the rules and treat the admins with a little more respect in your conversation.

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Wacko1978 spoiling players' games 7 years 1 week ago #6441

sure Wacko1978 why don't you put the whole transcription of the conversation (yes including the blue player)?
People where not sure what they did wrong (and i am not even talking about me now), even more they not only did not see the problem but where not aware why this is the problem in the first place and this is happening not for the first time with you.
Nobody was complaining about anything, players were focusing on their games and you came and suddenly everything becomes a problem. The rules which were apparently broken could be easily avoided by simple use of the unused station tiles for transfer traffic - but this takes time to prepare for the players.
My frustration and the words I wrote came because I suddenly realized that my main line is not working the way it should and I have realized its because of your arbitrary changes to my stations. I did not have absolutely any advantage (I did not have more resources or blocked anyone) with the setup I had but yet in the middle of the challenging game you are just arbitrary make some decision which completely spoils everything and waist any chances of further competition and the decision you made was not even the only possible but just one of many but yet you as an admin made some arbitrary changes.
Please go ahead and ban me because I dare to complain about admin decisions. The game has less players every year and at the end it will be you who is remaining and you will be able to ban yourself as much as you can.
I am awaiting for the ban - will with pleasure join another server in that case.
And respect Wacko1978 is something which you cannot expect or demand but you have to earn it - I thought with almost 40 years on your clock you already know that.
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Wacko1978 spoiling players' games 7 years 1 week ago #6442

ok,here I left out only the chatsections concerning player blue, since he's not here.
I believe this is our entire conversation, if you disagree, we can ask another admin for the entire log transcipt..
The first part was talking to blue, but you had the chance to read that chat too, since it was public chat.

20:04.19] <+ttd-srv19> Wacko1976 (Spectator): like i said... rules apply to all.
[20:04.47] <+ttd-srv19> Wacko1976 (Spectator): if i allow this, then next time i get into an argument why allow one and not the other
[20:06.04] * ttd-srv19 * !! Wacko1976 (#57/4 (Pink)/NL) has placed a sign: "rule 8... fied by admin" - at 148x231 (0x1CE94)
[20:06.32] <+ttd-srv19> Admin Wacko1976 (Account 'Wacko1976') has kicked player BLUE..
[20:06.56] <+ttd-srv19> Unregistered380726 (Pink): amdin
[20:07.01] <+ttd-srv19> Unregistered380726 (Pink): what is the problem
[20:07.06] <+ttd-srv19> Unregistered380726 (Pink): with my station
[20:07.10] <+ttd-srv19> Unregistered380726 (Pink): !rules

[20:07.32] <+ttd-srv19> Unregistered380726 (Pink): really
[20:07.45] <+ttd-srv19> Unregistered380726 (Pink): screw u admin
[20:07.49] <+ttd-srv19> Unregistered380726 (Pink): honestly
[20:07.50] <+ttd-srv19> Wacko1976 (Spectator): it was seperated.... so i fixed it for you
[20:07.52] <+ttd-srv19> Admin Wacko1976 (Account 'Wacko1976') has kicked player Unregistered380726
[20:08.28] <+ttd-srv19> Unregistered380726 (Pink): kl
[20:08.33] <+ttd-srv19> Wacko1976 (Spectator): be caerful what you say and how you say it...
[20:08.34] <+ttd-srv19> Unregistered380726 (Pink): let peopleunderstand
[20:08.40] <+ttd-srv19> Unregistered380726 (Pink): oh plase
[20:08.43] <+ttd-srv19> Unregistered380726 (Pink): how odl are u ?
[20:08.45] <+ttd-srv19> Unregistered380726 (Pink): 5 ?
[20:08.51] <+ttd-srv19> Wacko1976 (Spectator): almost.
[20:09.41] <+ttd-srv19> Unregistered380726 (Pink): funny
[20:09.47] <+ttd-srv19> Unregistered380726 (Pink): people are playing
[20:09.52] <+ttd-srv19> Unregistered380726 (Pink): nobody is getting anry
[20:09.54] <+ttd-srv19> Unregistered380726 (Pink): at anyone
[20:10.00] <+ttd-srv19> Unregistered380726 (Pink): eveyrone is peacsul
[20:10.13] <+ttd-srv19> Unregistered380726 (Pink): and suddenly an amdin is comming and spoils the fun for everyone
[20:10.18] <+ttd-srv19> Unregistered380726 (Pink): is this really ur job here ?
[20:10.27] <+ttd-srv19> Unregistered380726 (Pink): i guess ur balls are small
[20:10.37] <+ttd-srv19> Unregistered380726 (Pink): and poice did not want to have u
[20:10.39] <+ttd-srv19> Admin Wacko1976 (Account 'Wacko1976') has kicked player Unregistered380726
[20:10.39] * ttd-srv19 * <--- Unregistered380726 (#62/ (Pink)/PL) has left the game (kicked by server)
[20:10.45] * ttd-srv19 * X Binkywig Transport (4/Pink) has been closed (Reset requested)
[20:10.45] <+ttd-srv19> Admin Wacko1976 (Account 'Wacko1976') has reset company 4 (method: failnonempty)
[20:11.54] <+ttd-srv19> Unregistered380726 (Red): and u delete my compnay ?
[20:11.57] <+ttd-srv19> Unregistered380726 (Red): because of what ?
[20:12.06] <+ttd-srv19> Unregistered380726 (Red): which rule gives u this right ?
[20:12.09] <+ttd-srv19> Unregistered380726 (Red): tell me ?
[20:12.19] <+ttd-srv19> Unregistered380726 (Red): jeezz what an asshole
[20:12.26] <+ttd-srv19> Wacko1976 (Spectator): i am very sensitive about my testicles...
[20:12.27] <+ttd-srv19> Unregistered380726 (Red): !admin
[20:12:38] <ttd-srv19> Unregistered380726 (Red): !admin help
[20:12:38] *** ttd-srv19 * !! Unregistered380726 (#64/4 (Red)/PL) has requested an admin (Reason: help).
[20:13:04] <ttd-srv19> Unregistered380726 (Red): !players
[20:13:10] <ttd-srv19> Wacko1976 (Spectator): you can make a complaint on our forum.
[20:13:21] <ttd-srv19> Unregistered380726 (Red): buddy
[20:13:26] <ttd-srv19> Unregistered380726 (Red): honestly
[20:13:29] <ttd-srv19> Wacko1976 (Spectator): openttd.btpro.nl
[20:13:46] <ttd-srv19> Unregistered380726 (Red): i guess the 1978 is the year or ur birth
[20:13:50] <ttd-srv19> Unregistered380726 (Red): but sorry many
[20:13:54] <ttd-srv19> Unregistered380726 (Red): years
[[20:14:09] <ttd-srv19> Unregistered380726 (Red): did not make to good for u

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Wacko1978 spoiling players' games 7 years 1 week ago #6443

see you are again arbitrary taking out part of the conversation in public cos it is uncomfortable for you put please the whole conversation with blue, he exactly claims that you did not give him the time to change things what then also happened with me - my post is in the name of other players who were treated exactly the same way and not only in this game.

I am still awaiting the ban.
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Wacko1978 spoiling players' games 7 years 1 week ago #6445

ok Pir, lets make things clear! I got home on the middle of the action, and this were the chats I saw:
Warning: Spoiler!

So, there's some things you need to understand:
- It's player's duty to read and respect our server rules (it's shown on the window when you create a company); in case of doubts ask an admin or post your questions in our forum;
- Wacko1976 followed the "book", by pointing what was wrong and why (the rule number of cheating in cause) and even joining the companies to fix the violations; He wasn't forced to it, but for you (Pir and the other player) it's mandatory to read and respect our server rules!

Your correct action would he ask for help to fix stations or whatever rulebreak it was, NOT starting using offensive language because an admin was trying to point what was wrong. It's an admin permission to join players companies to fix any rulebreak, leaving signs explaining why, what Wacko1976 did. He was ingame and I know that he acted as an admin with the best of intentions to keep games fair to all (a.k.a.: respecting server rules).
As already mentioned, by an admin fix anything violating server rules dos NOT gives you the right of breaking some other rules (language talking now).

Guess it's all I had to say. If Wacko1976 has something to add, it's his prerogative.
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