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OpenTTD is an (Free) open source simulation game based upon Transport Tycoon Deluxe

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!!! BTPro Client Latest Update: the 18th of Juli 2024 !!!
!!! Current OpenTTD Version: 14.1 !!!

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Companies without registered nicknames (as shown in Client List) on it, can be reset without warning!
To learn OpenTTD mechanics, there is a forum/wiki and... a Single Player mode!!
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Tomate is nice #[edited] 10 years 8 months ago #3069

I have to complain from this admin tomate who is competing too. For winning he has to change rules, when it's good for him. When he looses game, he delete the others companies !!!! Nice server, very nice server !!!!!
Played 4 years with this cheatter lol !

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Last edit: by Clafoutis.

Tomate is nice #[edited] 10 years 8 months ago #3071

Hi everyone.

So here we go, I'll try to organize my answer as well as possible

1st - The situation

Player GOSH (LA) built a 4 tracks railway from top right corner heading to bottom left corner. Incomplete the track was barely reaching the center of the map and the player decided to quit building for, as long I as I perceived, one hour and a half.

At the same time I was playing and noticed the construction of this track since the beginning. From time to time I would check it's progress noticing that for a big while nothing was being built or used on that track.

2nd - The conflict

After waiting all this time I approached Gosh explaining the value of rule 5 which, as you may well know, gives you the right to not find reserved land therefore allowing you to build on the tiles that someone is not using. Giving that all this part of the map was not being used and thanks to the railways being reserved by Gosh I told him that he would have to remove those tracks because it was breaking rule 5. Also I told him for the sake of argument and rule respect that he could rebuild the track after removing everything meaning that the problem was not having the track but placing it reserving land for such a long period.

3rd - The development

After many attempts to justify the problem to GOSH he continued refusing to clear the tracks, to listen to a admin and decided to move on with the game. I placed an countdown company reset of 5 minutes so that he would have time to clear it and he didn't. Therefore the company was reset.

Later on GOSH started to insult me and earned himself a kick and only later on a second insult a temporary ban.

4th - As for my game strategy

Obviously is not easy to deal with an player playing in the same server besides with an admin and the competition can be seen as unbalanced. Nevertheless I assure everyone that not only I never took advantage of his parts of the map, his tiles of railway or any other land, industries, cities, that were near or on Gosh property meaning that I had absolutely no intention to get his game or any advantage ask him to remove the rule 5 breaking railways.

5th - Final Statement

Again I repeat myself by saying that it's not easy to listen to an admin which is playing in the same server, it might create some confusion in the admin intentions. Nevertheless my intentions where not guided towards my game but towards the server rules and the BtPro community task that has been assigned to me.

IF a player is approached by an admin or an operator he or she must answer and support the good resolution of the conflict in question. That didn't happen and also for those reasons this episode didn't have the intended end.

Next time GOSH, if there will be some, try to understand the rules, try to get help from admins instead of ignoring them and insulting them.

Last but not least I would like to ask to those who read this if they agree to change the title of this post to "Tomate is not a cheater" as I feel a bit offended with this groundless accusation.
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Tomate is nice #[edited] 10 years 8 months ago #3072

And to not make this a discussion between just Clafoutis and tomate again, I'd like to state that other admins have looked into the matter with the logs that we have available and we agree with the actions taken.

Fact is that tomate identified himself as an admin and asked a player to take certain actions. As tomate pointed out, if an admin asks you to do something, you should cooperate with the admin. If you have an issue with the actions the admin took or if you think the admin responded in the wrong way, you can complain at the forum afterwards and get a second opinion of an admin there. But only if you did cooperated with the admin. What you did was arguing against the admin constantly and after being reset you came back to insult the admin. We don't take this stuff lightly, which is why you were banned.

So, to be clear.
Admin is always right, even if he/she isn't.
If you think the admin wasn't right, you can ask for a second opinion from another admin afterwards, but we can't have people arguing with admins ingame about every single decision.

If you, Clafoutatis, would've removed the tracks, you would've kept your company and nothing else would've happened, easy as that.
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Last edit: by vGelder.

Tomate is nice #[edited] 10 years 8 months ago #3073

And taking the fact that wasn't only once that I saw Clafoutis breaking a pair of rules in previous games, the insults used are enough for a tempban. And as vGelder said, a look in the logs prove it.

my suggestion to Clafoutis: go here and make us a beautiful serenade. If you want, ofc.
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Last edit: by ST2.

tomate is REALLY a CHEATTER 10 years 8 months ago #3076

I don't understand st2 who said i was breaking rules in last game . Which rules ?
tomate is not only a cheatter, hes a liar too, i didn't came back for insulting him, i have no time to waiste. I didn't complain about ban, i wasn't banned yersterday.

bUt i know tomat's strategie now:
1 he deletes companies which have possibility to win.
2 he takes control of one empty companie.
3 he plays alone. Why don' you play in single player mode ? what he have to proove ?

if we have to built in a limit of time in a game, someone have to definit it before game.

bprot and thoses big servers doesnt like good players and make anything to disturb them.
There is lots of good servers, wher players can play quiet.

To much reglementation will kill your server especially if you invent something new every time, (train must be egal to stations, putting a railway station is egal to reserve land, secondary trains must be shorter than principals .....). --> this is breaking rules i heard from st2. Where has is read something like this ?

Most important, an admin should not take part competition, i think nobody can be put in a position of being both judge and judged.

"Chief is always right" (like "admin is always right")! its something i heard from some tyrant in the past.......
I think i wont come playing with thoses CHEATTERS and LIARS. That's a pity.
Admins, don't forget its only a game not a real world. In Africa we said "Crocodile is only dangerous in water" People who are thinking they are masters of this world are wrong.

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Last edit: by Clafoutis. Reason: correcting errors

tomate is REALLY a CHEATTER 10 years 8 months ago #3077

Hi Claufoutis,

The only thing I can reply - being confident that none of what you said is true -, is : What makes you say that ?

1st - How can you be accusing me without any real arguments, evidence, any given facts ?

2nd - If you are not GOSH than don't read the last message as if you were GOSH ! Maybe you didn't come back to insult me but player GOSH did! And of that we are sure.

3rd - I respect your opinion and I'm here to answer any issues BUT you called me a liar, a cheater, you say that my strategy of game goes by deleting companie, take control, etc ...
Now, either you explain the grounds of your accusation or don't expect us to accept this type of accusations and still allow you to play in the servers.

In case that you don't have any real facts to add to the novel I DEMAND from you an apology !!!

P.S.: This post as been moved to the correct topic been that this is a reply.
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