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This community was build around the game: OpenTTD
OpenTTD is an (Free) open source simulation game based upon Transport Tycoon Deluxe

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!!! BTPro Client Latest Update: the 18th of Juli 2024 !!!
!!! Current OpenTTD Version: 14.1 !!!

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Currently we have 4 Server Operators:

Frank, ST2, Wacko1976, Inscius!

We are badly looking for moderators!

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Admins will act on the basis that ALL players know the game and it's mechanics.
We think that no one goes to an online game without first some practice and know how to play it.
Companies without registered nicknames (as shown in Client List) on it, can be reset without warning!
To learn OpenTTD mechanics, there is a forum/wiki and... a Single Player mode!!
Practice before playing on BTPro, and if you decide to start, READ THE RULES first.

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tomate banned me 11 years 1 week ago #2663

well what should I say, tomate just gave me a ban for 3 days....

I made !resetme on server 7 after 10 years of playing because of upcoming bankrupt. I used transparency on industry and misused an oil refinery as steel mill...
After reset I used same track for new company. Tomate says it would have given me a financial advance. This would be a violation of server rule #4

Maybe tomate wanted to force me to use this forum to beg for pardon. The ask for in-game discussion has been refused.

Well the diagnostic of starting with advance might be right. There are other cases, e.g. starting on server 20 years later with all competitors gone to bed, which would give me an advance as well (better trains).
Nevertheless in my eyes banning me for 3 days was not a decision which looks good for this community. The violation was not clear and there has been no intention to "cheat". I'm not breaking any speed records either. Sometimes the decisions of admins better should respect rules as well. I cannot see of having made a definite violation. On other hand I cannot exclude of possibly causing an incident. So I use this opportunity to express my thoughts. And ask for unban. To stay as nice competitor.

Greetings from hansebas

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tomate banned me 11 years 1 week ago #2664

Hi. I'll give my explanation like this:

1st - You started by telling me that you're an old player and regular on server 7;

2nd - We discussed a bit of why I was reseting the company ( or about to ) and I explained you that this type of behavior in a CV server is common when it's very expensive to build long paths (which are more profitable). Anyhow the problem with creating multiple companies to build paths and later create a last company which will just place the railways on the terraformed path without any cost with terraform is a way of cheating to advance in game. Never a fair move.

3rd - You lead me to believe that you weren't so sure about this rule break and that you just wen't bankrupt. Obviously you'll go bankrupt if you terraform a path crossing the entire map ... Also I have no reason to suspect that this isn't a common pratice of yours in BtPro servers... Therefore I wanted you to write your version of the story here on the forum so that other players and admins can see what the problem was and how to solve it.

4th - I was not asking for you to "beg for me for a pardon". We discussed in the server but I always felt you weren't satisfied with my explanation which brought us here ;)

5th - The 3 days ban will be lifted as soon as you acknowledge all the server rules and tell us ( the btpro community ) that you'll not cheat in the future.

I hope that you understood the reasons for the ban and company reset, anyway, if there's any doubt just ask ;)

Can't wait to hear from you,

P.S. - The title of the post is very curious "tomate banned me" ... well don't you think it should be something like "unban appeal ... ? :P
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tomate banned me 11 years 1 week ago #2665

Well I now understand the ban as giving me time to discuss this here^^
There was no intention to cheat and there will never be one.
Yes starting with cheap tracks is an advance. Could have given me 6 instead of 4 points...
Might be good for admins to regulate cases like that strictly.
Might be also upcoming cases similar to that. Then I will use this forum without need of banning.

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tomate banned me 11 years 1 week ago #2680

hey ban is more than 3 dadys old,
and has been unbanned by technical facts somehow...
why tomate kicks me again?

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tomate banned me 11 years 1 week ago #2681

Hi hanseba.

As I said It's the second time you're banned and found playing with a diferent IP.
I can prove that to you.

Btw you're original ban was "Ban date: 02/26/2014 13:09:57, Expires at: 03/01/2014 13:09:57".

It weren't more than 3 days already. It was almost three days.

For that reason I gave you another ban ""hansebas (DE) : Changing IP and ignoring a tempban", Ban date: 03/01/2014 12:18:25, Expires at: 03/08/2014 12:18:25"

Which will expire on the 08 of March at 12:18 DE time.

Understood ?
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tomate banned me 11 years 1 week ago #2683

His fault if he has dynIP? xD
//Magnus 'Saber' Jonsson
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