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Welcome to the BTPro OpenTTD Community

This community was build around the game: OpenTTD
OpenTTD is an (Free) open source simulation game based upon Transport Tycoon Deluxe

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Screenshot created 2 Minutes ago on server:
-BTPro.nl- #28 - CITYBUILDER APHID's - 7500pop|DESERT|1990-GOAL:

OpentTTD Screenshot

Make sure to download the newest version of the Modified OpenTTD Client from the "BTPro OpenTTD Client Talk" Forum!

!!! BTPro Client Latest Update: the 18th of Juli 2024 !!!
!!! Current OpenTTD Version: 14.1 !!!

Goto the "BTPro OpenTTD Client Talk" forum to download the client and leave a message if it's working for you

Currently we have 4 Server Operators:

Frank, ST2, Wacko1976, Inscius!

We are badly looking for moderators!

Want to be part of the team?! Want to help?! Read below...

Admins will act on the basis that ALL players know the game and it's mechanics.
We think that no one goes to an online game without first some practice and know how to play it.
Companies without registered nicknames (as shown in Client List) on it, can be reset without warning!
To learn OpenTTD mechanics, there is a forum/wiki and... a Single Player mode!!
Practice before playing on BTPro, and if you decide to start, READ THE RULES first.

If you wish to become part of the BTPro Server Operator family, ensuring that the rules are upheld with fairly and justly,
the willingness to teach new players on how to play the game and to make sure BTPro is one of the most relaxed,
entertaining servers out there for OpenTTD then apply in the Moderator Applications section below!

Also do not hesitate to ask us a question in the forums or when you see us online on one of the servers!

Happy Gaming!

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Fool Behaviour 23-5-2020 0:00 - 0:42 4 years 9 months ago #7231

Dear reader,

i was in server 12 and noticed something disturbing: i saw pink stealing
goods from green. He laughed at us. I called for an admin but no one responded.
So i thought: i'm going to write this message. I hop there's something you can
do about. Greetings Coetzee
The following user(s) said Thank You: lilye

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Last edit: by Coetzee.

Fool Behaviour 23-5-2020 0:00 - 0:42 4 years 9 months ago #7232

Hi there,

I was Red in that game. Pretty unsportsmanlike behavior from Pink.
I registered just now so that if anything like this happens I can help votekick.

Thanks for standing up for Green.

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Fool Behaviour 23-5-2020 0:00 - 0:42 4 years 8 months ago #7236

Hi guys,

Did you by any chance catch the name of the player? Then we might be able to find it in the logs.
Probably this player is not a registered player at BTPro, which is always a struggle subject for us. Do we need to allow only players who are registered (which obviously helps to catch a bad guy) or do we want to keep the community open to everyone (which is also attractive for beginner players, but will attract trolls)?

What do you guys think?

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Fool Behaviour 23-5-2020 0:00 - 0:42 4 years 8 months ago #7247

Their name was a three letter username starting with 'G' I think it may have been 'GPT'?

I don't think you need to restrict your server to only registered players, but it might help to have more numerous or more active (covering timespan/timezones) admins or moderators. We'd both typed the call for an admin, but none came to take a look at the situation. Coetzee started a vote to kick, but since they were the only registered player in the game, the vote failed.
The following user(s) said Thank You: ST2

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Fool Behaviour 23-5-2020 0:00 - 0:42 4 years 8 months ago #7248

hehe, that's a nice suggestion lilye. I think I will just pick a few from the moderator tree growing in my backyard.

You have to imagine that any moderator who is active in this community is doing this in their spare time. It's nice that you say that we should have more moderators online, but it's not so easy. Are you for example willing to dedicate your spare time on moderating our servers? Keep away the GPT's of this world from our servers and do only that? I guess your answer would be: no!

So: You have to remember that this community is for free. We are not earning any money with this and everything is based on volunteers moderating the servers. So, if you want to be a moderator to do what you are saying / suggesting, feel free to apply. But as said before: not so easy to open a bucket of moderators unfortunately.
The following user(s) said Thank You: ST2, tomb

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Copyright 2020 Fool Behaviour 23-5-2020 0:00 - 0:42 - BTPro - OpenTTD Community.