In-game name: Peter Schiff
Age: 24
Time-zone: Pacific
Country: Canada
Have you ever been banned? If yes, why?: No
Have you read the rules and agree to follow them: Yes
What times are you most active?: Generally, all days save friday nights and saturday afternoon.
Sex [Male/Female] :Male
Why do you want to be a moderator, And why should we make you one?:
Greetings; My real name is not Peter Schiff (Peter Schiff is just a spoof on a famous investor), though you should feel free to call me by that name. I would like to admonish you for having the priveledge of becoming a moderator. Generally, the position would be immaterial to me; I really have no desire for being a figure of immense power for its own sake, however there is a particular reason to which I wish to have this priveledge, and that simply is because I have plans to do some screencasting, and particularly on the servers that you are [generously] hosting.
The reason why being a moderator would be useful, is that if I were to spectate a competetive game, generally I would be watching all the players, and so I am more likely to find people breaking the rules, and I would therefore be able to correct them live during the screencast.
The games that I will spectate or play will be posted on youtube, as I think there is allot potential to turn this into one of those competetive sports akin to starcraft etc...
Though I am relatively new to multiplayer, I have already taken very well to the game, and if you do need some time to still get to know me as a player, then I won't dispairrage that fact. I am still having a bit of troubles with encoding, but I'll post my first video as a response to this thread when I manage to get it uploaded.
Personal regards, Schiff~