In-game name: Ivanoz
Time-zone:worldwide as im online whenever i am awake.
Country: Norway
Have you ever been banned? no
Have you read the rules and agree? yes
What times are you most active?: most of the day. im also game master in Heroes of Newerth where i am 2 hours daily. former game master in World of Warcraft.
Sex [Male/Female]: Male
Why do you want to be a moderator, And why should we make you one?: Because i rarely see any admins online during the times i play(mostly at nights) and those that do come online limit themselves to server 1 while i play on the desert server mostly.
And with experience as game master in a few other larger games i know quite a bit about the role.
But main reason is that i want peoples to respect the rules wich clearly is a problem from time to time when peoples come up with comments like "i do whatever i want and there are no admins here anyway"