First I want to say, I am not sure about what "moderator" is...? Is it just forum moderator, or server moderator? I want to be a server moderator (to have a possibility to deal with blockers who are ruining game from time to time).
In-game name: libik
Age: 23
Time-zone: Prague-France (+1 I quess)
Country: Czech republic
Have you ever been banned? If yes, why?: No. I was only kicked once by WeeD, we were discussing it in
. (I have no personal problem with WeeD and I think he neither with me)
Have you read the rules and agree to follow them: Yes.
What times are you most active?: 16:00 - 04:00
Sex [Male/Female] : Male
Why do you want to be a moderator, And why should we make you one?: I want to stop the blockers. If someone ruining game to others and there is no admin online, it could be a problem. (luckily, it is not often).
I hope I will not have to kick anyone - only the option to say "stop blocking or I reset you" should help in most cases. If it doesnt help, then I do what I have to
. This is my motivation - to help players actually play the game without troubles. I will use my "admin powers" only, if someone asks me to. And I will use "reset" or "kick" as little as possible.
edit : I am studying Software Engineering and I am able to help with : HTML, CSS, PHP, Java, C#, C++, SQL