Hereby a list of Triggers which you can use in-game to do certain actions:
Trigger: !login
Usage: !login <Token>
<Token>: the token that you have retrieved from the menu item "Game Login" on this website.
Logs you into your account. Use !logout if you want to logout again or simply leave the server.
Trigger: !help
Usage: !help [<command>]
<Command>: the trigger to get help for (optional).
Shows all available commands depending on the privileges the user has. Shows help for a command if the optional <Command> parameter is specified.
Alias Triggers for !help:
!triggers, !commands, !listcommands, !showcommands
Trigger: !name
Usage: !name <New name>
<New name>: the name to take (without the < >).
Changes the current player's name to the name specified in <New name>.
Trigger: !resetinfo
Usage: !resetinfo
Shows information about when companies are reset (passworded and unprotected).
Trigger: !resetme
Usage: !resetme
Marks the company for automatic reset as soon as it is empty. The reset request can be cancelled by using the command a second time.
Alias Triggers for !resetme:
Trigger: !server
Usage: !server
Shows information about the server, e.g. its name.
Trigger: !companies
Usage: !companies
Shows a list of all companies currently on the server.
Trigger: !players
Usage: !players
Shows a list of all players currently on the server.
Trigger: !invite
Usage: !invite <#ID/Name>
<#ID>: the ID of the player including the # prefix.
<Name>: the name of the player. Can be partial but must uniquely match the name (Including upper and lowercase).
Invites a player to your company.
Trigger: !known
Usage: !known <Company ID>
<Company ID>: the ID of the company.
Shows the known players that are allowed into the company by company protection.
Trigger: !seed
Usage: !seed
Shows the seed of the currently running map.
Trigger: !rank
Usage: !rank
Shows the top 15 of the ALL time Community high scores.
Trigger: !admin
Usage: !admin [<Reason>]
<Reason>: the reason the admin will be noticed with.
Calls an admin. Specifying a reason is NOT optional, try to describe the situation as good as possible so an admin knows what he is being called for.
If you don't get an answer maybe no admin is online. In this case consider using a vote command.
Trigger: !voterestart
Usage: !voterestart
Starts a voting round on whether to restart the game with a new map.
Trigger: !voterestartgame
Usage: !voterestartgame
Starts a voting round on whether to restart the game on the same map.
Trigger: !votekick
Usage: !votekick <#ID/Name>
<#ID>: the ID of the player including the # prefix.
<Name>: the name of the player. Can be partial but must uniquely match the name (Including upper and lowercase).
Starts a voting round to kick a player. Only specify either the ID or name of the player.
Trigger: !voteban
Usage: !voteban <#ID/Name>
<#ID>: the ID of the player including the # prefix.
<Name>: the name of the player. Can be partial but must uniquely match the name (Including upper and lowercase).
Starts a voting round to ban a player. Only specify either the ID or name of the player.
Trigger: !canclevote
Usage: !cancelvote
Cancels a voting round that is currently active.
Trigger: !vote
Usage: !vote
Casts a vote for the currently active voting round.
Trigger: !votestatus
Usage: !votestatus
Shows the status of the currently active voting round.
-= GOAL COMMANDS (for goal servers ONLY) =-
Trigger: !goal
Usage: !goal
Shows the current goal (if any) and a ranking list of all companies.
Alias Triggers for !goal:
!cv, !score
-= TRIGGERS ONLY AVAILABLE ON SRV 2 (Long Goal Server) & 3 (Normal) =-
Trigger: !saveme
Usage: !saveme
Saves your company from being autocleaned when empty. Only if all companies in the game have it activated your company might get reset. However, the chance for this is very low.
If you have any questions regarding triggers please post them in this topic / forum!
Server Admin