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DODGE007 doesn't understand server rules and his/her shouldn't be a admin 3 years 11 months ago #7638

I would like to file a complaint of abuse of power and control against Dodge007 and have him removed my being an admin, or having any dealings with me in the future as he doesn’t understand my playing style, for the following reason.
1. he doesn’t understand the rules as they apply.
2. he wrongfully seized, controlled, and removed my trains orders and caused damage to the game that I was controlling
3. he booted me from the game at the games end, before I could collect my points and is uncapable of having a discussion in terms that show him to be wrong.
4 and after coming back into the game to explain what the rules clearly stated and demand an apology, he banned me from the server.

The server rules clearly state the following:
Rule #7

Do not station spread with airports, docks, train or road vehicle stations to extend coverage area to additional resources including towns and cities unfairly.
Amend, just to clarify, in Towns/Cities:
- When attached to a train station:
* max 2 tiles away, with all station tiles connected and being used;
- RV stations in Towns/Cities:
* Making only 1 road corner (means: only 1 station direction change, and when passengers and cargo type combined);
Not complying to this basics can lead to a company suspend/reset, kick or ban!

Your own rules clearly states that explanding a station to cover more than one resources is ALLOWED and you can only do it if it DOES NOT creates an unfair game for other players. Now as much as I would like to go into proper planning, expanding companies, stream lining shipping max use of trains available and everything else.
The simple matter of the fact is THIS
I was playing alone and how I built did NOT give me a “unfair” advantage over any other players, “Unimportant” was also in the game but had been afk for over an hour.
Unfair means
Definition of unfair
1 : marked by injustice, partiality, or deception : unjust
2 : not equitable in business dealings

Again there wasn’t anyone else actively playing. And my planning was to use stations as built. Dodge007 demanding that I do so now didn’t fit in with my building model or playing style and his ban for me getting pisted about this is bullshit.
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DODGE007 doesn't understand server rules and his/her shouldn't be a admin 3 years 11 months ago #7644

Just to be clear, your accusing me of not understanding the rules I helped create approximately 10 years ago, the rules that have served these games well. You appear to be unable to accept that you were caught doing wrong, that's not my fault.

Despite being warned to alter you stations you did nothing, Despite being threatened with action, you did nothing, when I took action, you decided to become offensive towards me. I tried to talk to you, your response.
16[2021-03-14 22:14:12] <ttd-srv9> Unregistered982341 (4Red): so just **** my system cause you dont understand it

I understand your system just fine you just did not want to listen. Being offensive to me (or any other Admin for that matter) will not go down well with me.

to be clear the station was unnecessarly sized for its use, if such time exists then by all means expand the station, However as Rule 8 clearly states

Rule #8

Stations that are apart (not physically attached or have unused parts between them) have to be a separate station with its own unique name.

This is the rules that you were in breach of but instead of engaging in conversation you chose to become aggressive, we never got that far because as far as you were concerned you were in the right.

Had you not started being offensive to me you probably would not have been kicked, but being offensive to me (or any other Admin) is completely unacceptable

In this case I have chosen to temporarily ban you from Server 9 Firs Goal 1000mil for one week.

And just so as you know:

16[2021-03-14 22:30:58] <ttd-srv9> TheUnimportant (15White): i was afk

you were not/never playing alone
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DODGE007 doesn't understand server rules and his/her shouldn't be a admin 3 years 11 months ago #7646

Lets go through the rules shall we and lets see how they apply to the game in question and your enforcement of them...

Rule #1
These are international servers, use English in public chat. Swearing in-game is allowed but offending other players directly is not. Racism will not be tolerated.

Lets see here "Swearing in-game is allowed" ok so we see here that I am allowed to say "so just **** my system cause you don't understand it" and so there's no confusion you also stated "TheUnimportant (15White): i was afk" so i was never "offending other players directly" as it wasn’t directed at another player, YOU weren't playing, I.E a “player” so there for you can't be offended. we'll touch on this more later.
Rule #7
Do not station spread with airports, docks, train or road vehicle stations to extend coverage area to additional resources including towns and cities unfairly.

Amend, just to clarify, in Towns/Cities:
- When attached to a train station:
* max 2 tiles away, with all station tiles connected and being used;
- RV stations in Towns/Cities:
* Making only 1 road corner (means: only 1 station direction change, and when passengers and cargo type combined);
Not complying to this basics can lead to a company suspend/reset, kick or ban!
Lets address this and #8 together as to not confuse anyone they say the same thing just in different ways…
Rule #8
Stations that are apart (not physically attached or have unused parts between them) have to be a separate station with its own unique name.
I fully understand what your trying to say I was doing was breaking these 2 rules. But your statement that I did nothing to correct this is just plan false. When you mounted your horse of righteousness and rode into game #9 not being contacted by anyone to right the wrongs of the world and called me out on having a single station, as far as I can remember I may be wrong, currently spread out with 2 open tracks between I believe 2 or 3 others that were running products out of and at least 1 running products into it I did correct it by using those “extra” tracks to move more products into it. Side note and by doing so threw off the stations down leg from it being able to handle the increase in production at that time. There by "so just **** my system cause you don't understand it"
Maybe your talking about the 2-11’ish track stations that were set up at the “pig iron” factory that at the time I believe I was running 4 or 5 lines out of I think I had 3 in and 2 out at your timely arrival. Well simply looking at one of my 11+ line stations at a soda mine would show you that possibly just possibly those tracks were in fact planed on being used to bring in more raw product to up my pig iron production.

The reason anyone, not just me, might, might lay out more station lines at 1 time then they are using at that moment is because in doing so makes it possible to lay out a line that goes to the “left” of the station now while the first products come in from the right and is layed out in such away that when the other tracks are added to it you don’t have to move lines over to other lanes in order to move products.
Also after fixing the one raw materials station above I do believe I asked you what other station you were talking about, not that you ever answered or stated which station was in violation of the rules in your opinion, maybe you did and I missed the chat but I don’t remember seeing it.
I think the difference here is that you see rule #8 as stating at the time of placement if you don’t immediately start using all lanes of said station your guilty of breaking rule #8 where I read it as if you do spread out stations with no intention of using the “extra” lanes and sole purpose is to collect extra goods from another resourse node is breaking rule #8. And since the rule doesn’t state that “at the time of placement” or something like “in x years of the time of placement” I didn’t do anything wrong as anyone that plays against me knows I do build big stations and use them
I mean because let’s face it not losing 12k a year to move products 1-4 squares is going to give you such an advantage over other players when your making 150mill+ a year in a game that usually ends in 13 years makes total sense.

Normally this is a point where I would have cooled down by now and been like ya I’m a hot headed sumabitch, ? I called myself that so no one should be offended, and if you apologize I will. And lets move forward but I have a few problems with doing that just yet. So here they are…

I still don’t believe my stations were in breaking any rules as I clearly and after being warned you were going to spank me fixed the one station I believed you were talking about.
Stations that are not “raw producers” you know ones that require a product to be brought to them before they create anything shouldn’t be considered in rules 7 and 8 because who cares how big it is it doesn’t effect the game in anyway other then taking up space unless your doing it to block other players which one of the other rules clearly states they cant build at anyways so mute point.
And heres my biggest problems.
“Just to be clear, your accusing me of not understanding the rules I helped create approximately 10 years ago, the rules that have served these games well. You appear to be unable to accept that you were caught doing wrong, that's not my fault.”
I am offended by the fact that you’ve been on the server for less than 9 years, I guess a year and change is approximate, I mean it took me about 10 secs to find out less then 9. At least under your current tag makes the above statement leads me to believe the rest of it could be bullshit, in reference to my thinking not you, to, Are you offended not my problem as I am not responsible for your feelings.
“to be clear the station was unnecessarly sized for its use, if such time exists then by all means expand the station, However as Rule 8 clearly states”
I wasn’t caught doing anything wrong because the difference in opinion is timely use of station usage is the problem here and I don’t agree with yours but you’re the person with the mighty power, so I guess mine doesn’t matter.
And my favorite part you of being offended by something I said. Lets be very clear and just for example, I could have said something, I do use these phrases alot so don’t think your special, along the lines of you ducking duck or duck you and the ducking duck of a duck you rode in here on but I didn’t. shows that you shouldn’t be an admin of not only this game and server but any.
If a word not even directed at you, but duck even if it is directed at you offends you, more so over the internet you shouldn’t be in a position to make rulings on anything. What do you care what I say at or about you or how I say it.
Your statements
“This is the rules that you were in breach of but instead of engaging in conversation you chose to become aggressive, we never got that far because as far as you were concerned you were in the right.

Had you not started being offensive to me you probably would not have been kicked, but being offensive to me (or any other Admin) is completely unacceptable”
You should have stuck to your guns and the station lay outs, because the rules clearly state that I can say whatever the duck I want to you because you are not a player in the game. Now if you would like to get together with the other admins and “help create a new rule that admins can’t be offended” I am sure you can and will.
But again anything I say that I don’t intend to be offence, you can’t prove my intentions, and you taking it that way is your ducking problem not mine. I am not responsible for your feelings or you being offended for my use of words in the English language as long as I am not being racist. See rule 1.
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DODGE007 doesn't understand server rules and his/her shouldn't be a admin 3 years 11 months ago #7649

The following points will be my final response to this:

You were caught and despite being told to correct it, you did not, when I interviened you got upset and aggresive, get over yourself.

There was/has never been a need for an admin to have a reason to scan through servers call out cheats and fix issues, we just do it. the !admin trigger assists us in doing that.

Until now we've never needed a rule that specifically said be nice to admins.

And your absolutly right the fourm is correct I registered on it in 2012 - 9 years ago. About the point at which a webpage was created to allow things like the rules to be put somewhere visable, the forum and server existed about 6 months before to allow for the testing of player profiles and such prior to that there was just plain old irc.

I'm now gonna lock this thread as its run its course.
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