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Application- NFIE60LFR 10 years 5 months ago #3507

In-game name: NFIE60LFR
Age: 18
Timezone: Pacific
Country: Canada
Have you been banned? No
Have you read the rules and agree to follow them? Yes
What times are you most active? 4:00-7:00PM, 8:00PM-01:00AM Pacific Time
Sex: Male
Why do you want to be moderator, and why should we make you one?

I sometimes see people not respecting the rules on the server and the Admins/Mods are offline or AFK. It is that I want to be a moderator for those odd hours when other admins/mods are not available. I try to help out at all times and I'm fun.. which is why you should make me as a mod.

Edit: I am prepared, and I feel I am ready to take on moderator.

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Application- NFIE60LFR 10 years 2 months ago #3788

Would like to politely "bump" this application, for the sole benefit of BTPro. Many times I log on to IRC and notice a lack of admins being online, thus I would like to fill that gap.

ST2, why'd you delete your replies? ^_^

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Application- NFIE60LFR 10 years 2 months ago #3796

I haven't deleted my replies ^^

btw, patience is a virtue, and a needed one :P
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Application- NFIE60LFR 10 years 2 months ago #3798

Well, I don't see them ^^

A little gentle polite bump doesn't hurt, does it? :P ^^

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Application- NFIE60LFR 10 years 1 month ago #3891

There was no consensus among admins about "this" NFIE60LFR's application.
It's understandable due your past actions making the need of time to gain our trust (and here I know very well what I'm talking about!)
NFIE60LFR, I have to say: now you have more positive votes but we need a consensus to work together as an admin team, or else won't be a functional one.

you got closer and I hope you understand the decision taken :)
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