Specifications / Rules:
- Not allowed nominate equal goal servers;
- All servers are valid for nominations (CV or CB ones), excluding Server #K1(#17) and FIRS servers (#9 and #30);
- Same player only can be nominated once a week;
- Each player can only nominate same player once a week;
- People who don't fullfill the nomitation must/should:
a: not admin - candidate to admin games, enforcing rules and helping players for 1 year;
b: already admin - blah blah, 1 year (forced labor)

c: none of the above, players can ask for this:
1: I'll donate BTPro 1€ for each delayed day, after the week timelimit end: "just don't bother me"!;
2: I request games delay (other week) - meaning will be done but depends on player's life;
3: After tried twice and not WIN, invoke item 2: or a different BTPro server to play!;
4: Give me milk and cookies, I'm not too much around, and I'll donate 100 game points (doubled if not attempted again)!;
5: Only nominator/nominated players can post in this forum; (abuses follow item 4:)
Remember to read all above before you nominate anyone and get ready to be nominated
My Nominations are:
Server 27 :"This server's name is: -BTPro.nl- #27 - APHID's CITYBUILDER - 12000pop|TEMPERATE|1980-GOAL"
Crack on guys, you've Both got a week xD
Lets keep this going