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YouTube Videos Collaboration 11 years 2 months ago #2399

Just a quick little topic! If you want to collaborate with me on YouTube and record/upload videos on YouTube with me, here are the requierments:

-You need to have Skype (Reason: The OpenTTD chat isn't the best way to communicate)
-You Need to have a YouTube channel (Reason: To give each other more views, likes etc.)
-You need to listen to what I say and show respect towards the viewers and everyone else, no swearing/Bad words openly while recording.(Reason:Nobody really likes videos with alot of swearing/not showing respect, jokes are fine as long as they are not something too serious.)
-Advertise each other (Reason: To increase traffic on each of the channels.)
That's all the requierments, if you want to join and you have followed all the critearias listen above, leave a comment. Many people on YouTube are open to new content and some OpenTTD could make it more popular! As well as we will link BTPro in the descriptions, BTPro will also grow! Everyone will get something out of this! Remember that!


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