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YouTube Videos Collaboration 11 years 3 months ago #2324

Just a quick little topic! If you want to collaborate with me on YouTube and record/upload videos on YouTube with me, here are the requierments:

-You need to have Skype (Reason: The OpenTTD chat isn't the best way to communicate)
-You Need to have a YouTube channel (Reason: To give each other more views, likes etc.)
-You need to listen to what I say and show respect towards the viewers and everyone else, no swearing/Bad words openly while recording.(Reason:Nobody really likes videos with alot of swearing/not showing respect, jokes are fine as long as they are not something too serious.)
-Advertise each other (Reason: To increase traffic on each of the channels.)
That's all the requierments, if you want to join and you have followed all the critearias listen above, leave a comment. Many people on YouTube are open to new content and some OpenTTD could make it more popular! C'mon guys :c


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