Similar post as made other place, because many times I've seen that players have difficulty with this subject,
not seeing other players signs!! This fact can hinder communication with admins and/or other players. So... some short explanations for it
- To learn how place/edit/remove a sign:
I guess until now nothing new! But since r22708 (
) other companies signs, station names, etc, are disabled by default.
To enable them... follow this steps:
- Long click in Options button at the menu (3rd counting from the left)
- Enable the "
competitor signs and names displayed" option, as shown in this on next image:
Maybe the new players don't know it and most of them don't read this forum too!! And probably forum readers already know it!! Anyway, this is not OpenTTD wiki (last time I check), but there's a hint for it.
Good games all
PS: most of OpenTTD online players don't even read this
basic tips/hints
, but worth a try! Of course, OpenTTD
Game Mechanics
are good suggestions too