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Help! - Cyclotron and chekpoints/controlpoints? 12 years 6 months ago #1113

After loosing too many games to trafficjams I relly need to work on cyclotrons and using the controlpoint thingy. I've googlet it, but I cant seemt to find any good guide. Anyone care to share some knowledge on this?

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Re: Help! - Cyclotron and chekpoints/controlpoints? 12 years 6 months ago #1116

Cyclotrons are more for efficient merging of trains rather than avoiding jams. The best way to avoid jams is to build an un-jamable network. This is costly and requires a lot of space and planning. The cheap way is to store trains in depots to keep them out of the way. I will try to illustrate.


I prefer to use the middle of the three arrangements but they can all work very well without too much thinking, space or planning.


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Last edit: by Yardking.

Re: Help! - Cyclotron and chekpoints/controlpoints? 12 years 6 months ago #1117

Thx for the effort! I am currently using something to sluntfield woods, but without the depots and the trains come from the other side. I put all depots on big junctions outside the main line, but when I reach 50-60+ trains (all 20 tiles long) the problems occur. Two lanes cannot handle all the traffic and trains getting on and off the main line cause problems. whenever a traffic jam occur its game over as it takes 15-20 min to solve and all the trains are having constant breakdowns. Yday I went from 9M income a year to about a 3rd of that due to traffic jams. So I need a good way to build 4 set of tracks (2 each way) a way to handle depot stop for 20 tiles trains without slowing down the main lane and an efficient way to get them back on the main lane.

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Re: Help! - Cyclotron and chekpoints/controlpoints? 12 years 6 months ago #1118

Apart from having a massively overloaded line, the main cause of jams I see is having depots on main lines. You just dont need to have them along main lines*. Force a service before the trains pick up, and force another after they drop off- This has the advantage of being able to 'stack' trains in depots ready to pick up, and being able to plan one place for a service on the way back, and will keep mainlines flowing with freshly serviced trains.

*unless it takes your trains more then 3 months to get from one end of the track to the other.

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