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Server #15 1 year 1 month ago #8405

Dear Frank,

I hope this message finds you well. I would like to express my sincere desire to see the return of Server #15 with the larger CB goal. If it is within your capacity, could you please consider bringing it back online?

Looking ahead, I envision the possibility of introducing new CB servers in the future. Particularly, I have a fondness for Server #12 and would like to propose the creation of a new server with identical settings but a larger goal, such as 15k or 50k.

Your attention to this matter is greatly appreciated.

Best regards,

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Server #15 1 year 1 month ago #8410

Hi PlougDK,

Thank you for your kind message :-) I appreciate the tone you put in it :-)
Unfortunately currently I don't have any server power. I was trying for a while to get a free server via Azure, but that thing was lagging like hell. So now: I only have 1 physical server which is running 13 OpenTTD instances. Unfortunately this one is at it's max and I don't have another server anymore...

So with a pain in my heart I have to say no to requests like you made, unless I find a decent server on which we can run some instances or funds so I can rent one!

Hope you understand.

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Server #15 1 year 1 month ago #8412

Hi Frank,

Just thinking, might it be possible to make climates random except toyland? That way you can get 1 CV quick, 1 CV Short, 1 CV Long. And for the citybuilders 7.500, 15.000 and 30.000 inhabitants.
This leaves you room for other games like a FIRS goal servers , Busy Bee, Cargo challenge, etc. to rotate on what is left in server space.

Personally I really miss a FIRS CV game, but I understand that other people may think otherwise.

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Server #15 1 year 3 days ago #8427

i miss server 15 as well, i would rather see #4 out of commission and have #15 back in business.
I'll let Frank decide, it's his serverspace.

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