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Reactive MoneySending? 11 years 1 month ago #2425

I think it would be a good idea to reactivate the MoneySending, You could disable MoneySending for if you have loan. You can also make it so everyone on the server can see how much money is beeing sent. And right now I am talking about CV, not CB, there are obvious problem if you had this is citybuilder.

Positive effects: You can help your 'teammates' if they need a bit of money, you can send to your friends.
Negative effecs: I guess you can start a new company and send all the money that company, but if you're not in the company you won't win any points or the game.

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Reactive MoneySending? 11 years 1 month ago #2426

money transfers are disabled because can create more server harm that good...
but both positions/opinions are acceptable and valid. and the major problems about money transfers are preciselly on CV servers (for the obvious reasons).

You could disable MoneySending for if you have loan.

Transfer money is NOT possible if you have loan

You can also make it so everyone on the server can see how much money is beeing sent.

Only possible with server side code changes, not easy and hard to control and an exploit easy to be abused...

Therefore, our decision is to have Money transfers disabled... wich I fully support
and anyway, initial loans are way generous ^^ (ofc, taking out hard server and ultra hard... but players there must be prepared to it)

this is my opinion, and despite the fact that give some cash to another player can be a good help to him, there's more negative points that can come from it that positive ones...
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