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game number 25037 5 years 1 week ago #7042


I am enjoying BTPro very much, thank you.

Yesterday I played SRV 13 CB, game number 25037 against akdill13. I was leading all the time with Population, at least i thought.

In late game all my town needs were fullfilled and I was watching akdills City stats. His Population was lower than mine, and at least two months his City was in the red. I was expecting to win the game. Suddenly I lost Server Connection (Error: Connection error, if I recall correctly), but not normal game ending, without notification in the console. When I reconnected my Company was gone and akdill had won the game.

I scrolled through the console Messages and was puzzeld. Console showed different Population ranking than I saw while playing. But there were only Messages for Population between 1000-2000 and akdills Population was always higher than mine.

SRV 13 Stat page shows that akdill had won the game with 3976 and that I only had 3328 Population. I am pretty sure, that I had more Population (just waiting for my win) than that. We both got 4 points for that game.

I dont care much for Points or winning, but this unexpected end did not leave my mind. Perhaps I am to stupid to understand. Can anyone explain this unexpected end to me? Was my Client out of sync or something?

Thanks again for this wonderful playground and anyone who can explain this beahvior to me.

P.S. My first Forum Topic, perhaps I am to stupid for this too. But my first try did not Show up in the Forum after submitting. And why is my text autocorrected with capitals where they dont belong?
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game number 25037 5 years 1 week ago #7043

Hello, I try to explain everything to you.

1. When you fulfill all demands you may be happy that you have done everything you can to grow the city, but it is not true. More experienced opponents use some techniques to speed-up city growing. So, someone's city may grow faster that yours.

I do not tell you now what to do to speed-up the growth :P You can find it by yourself or just dig into our forum. There are several discussion threads about city growing.

But I can tell you another "secret" (for encouragement ;)):

2. When you are using BTPro client (instead of original vanilla game) you can see the potential town population in the caption of your town window. Suppose you've got population of 2,712 but you see in caption 4,140. It means that the city will grow to 4,140 (because of the houses already in construction) no matter if you deliver required cargo or not. Some players stop everything when potential town grow meets the goal, and go "red" for next months. In such case the whole effort of the city is put in construction finishing, instead of starting new investments (new buildings). It gives the boost at the end of the game, and - in case of #13 - it can give you 25% of goal in just several months.

3. About web page "Population" column: unfortunatelly data about city population, company value, etc. is not sent very often to the server gathering games data (it is a simplified explanation of course). In result you can see population of 3,787 on reaching 4k goal - taken from the game - let's say - 30 seconds before reaching the goal.

4. Connection lost error + loosing the game = I believe it was the coincidence, your bad luck. Sometimes connection is lost, indeed. And due to the reasons mentioned in 1) and 2) you can miss out the moment of your opponent victory ;)

I'm glad you enjoy the game (and BTPro servers)!
Happy gaming and see you around!
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Last edit: by tomb. Reason: added "and BTPro servers" :D

game number 25037 5 years 1 week ago #7044

Thanks for your explanations!

I think that i know most of the techniques to speed-up citygrowth. But maybe my rival was just better in using them. But I won games faster than my rival won this one.

I will try the btpro-client, because this potential growth thing is new for me.

Another thing I did not try yet is something I read about town growth rate. Is it really influenced by the size/growthrate of towns surrounding it?

Again, thank you very much for your answer and for btpro.
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