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mail is not enough 11 years 5 months ago #2203

hi, my problem is that by the middle of the match (4k goal) I find myself in a problem with the mail, I can not pick up / deliver mail enough for my city, so I came here to ask if there is any way ideal to get more mail from a city

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mail is not enough 11 years 5 months ago #2205

I suggest connecting more than 1 city to your town. I haven't played 4k a lot, but I imagine you won't make it with just 1 city, since I know I usually use more than 2 in 8k CB.
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mail is not enough 11 years 5 months ago #2209

You could also place drive through stations for trucks in your town and then let few mail trucks go from one to the other, that way you can utilize all the mail that is being produced in your town, which helps alot if you have problems with mail.
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mail is not enough 10 years 11 months ago #2769

What I normally do is add some more towns to the network, also with 2 mail lorry in the town transferring to the trainstation. Works like a charm.
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mail is not enough 10 years 11 months ago #2772

TehRocker wrote: What I normally do is add some more towns to the network, also with 2 mail lorry in the town transferring to the trainstation. Works like a charm.

Works for me too B)

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