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New CityBuilder Test Server (Server #10) 12 years 3 months ago #1325

Ladies and Gentlemen, we at BTPRO here by announce CityBuilder official open!

CityBuilder is a unique game mode where by players fight over the resources on the map to meet the ever increasing demands of their towns! This provides new life into OTTD by making a brand new challenging experience for you all.

How to get started you say? Well jump over to BTPRO Server 10 right now to begin! But first readup on some specific points that will help you on your way.

Server 10 - City Builder Test Server | Desert Landscape - Population Goal: 5,000 Inhabitants

To play CityBuilder you need to claim a town with your HQ. But only TOWNS under 500 population can be claimed. To begin with your town will only require passengers and mail. However as it begins to grow the demands will increase to water, food and eventually goods. Hence it is very important to make sure some of your town is placed on desert tiles in order for a water tower to be placed.

You will see there are many cities dotted around the map. These cities are NON-CLAIMABLE with a HQ. Their sole purpose is to provide your towns with passengers and mail. Currently the grow requirements are 10% passengers of the city's population. Have no fear, these will grow quickly if supplied with passengers.

This ends the brief tutorial! Remember this is a beta version and does not neccessary reflect the final settings for the server!

But wait, I hear you say? "Why am I unable to get points from playing?"

That is because a special CityBuilder specific points system is currently under development as we speak. This will enable players to gain points for playing!

Soon the race for the #1 spot of Greatest CityBuilder of all time will begin!
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