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BTPro OpenTTD Client 1.11.2 (Updated: 08-05-2021) 12 years 6 months ago #1186

Dear All,

Here are the download links for our special BTPro OpenTTD 1.11.2 client for Windows with a automatic login function build in, click on one of the icons below which match your system to download:

Windows executables:

Linux/BSD (most distros) and MacOS users (and windows users that want to test our diff files) (git DIFF):

NOTE: We don't provide Linux/BSD/MacOS binaries but we provide diff files that can be applied/compiled on this systems (links above).


Other needed file(s):
- innerhighlight.grf


Older versions(s): 1.11.1:
- 32 bit
- 64 bit


Special thanks:
- Chucky for client base (n-ice team included).
- blup for the netcode.
- m1 for merging the "special" Zoning patch, CB window and fixing some bugs.
- ALL the people that somehow helped on creating/modifying the patches we use.


ALSO please visit www.openttd.org/en/download-stable and download the basesets in order for the player client to function. We recommend downloading the following 3 files: OpenGFX, OpenSFX and OpenMSX.

Changes/patches included:
Despite some changes at Intro Menu, we've added some patches available on tt-forums:
- Rating in town label - by Terkhen
- Transported cargo table - by Honza_
- Measuring tools - by Wolf01
- City names in different colour - by Honza_
- Orders control with alt/ctrl/shift and setting gui - by blup (explore Advanced Settings to set them)
- Manhattan and square distance of vehicle route in orders gui - by The Dude
- Count of cities/towns - by The Dude
- Industry directory filter patch - by ComLock;
- Common Client for BTPro and n-ice servers - based on The Dude code
- Industry Tooltips patch - by MJP;
- Station Tooltips patch - by ST2 (based on previous Industry Tooltips patch);
- Show vehicles in tunnels patch - by Ammler (update by bcmpinc & Vaulter) - hit CTRL+X, to see Transparency toolbar and it's the button on the right, ;
- New line in Town GUI - By Xi - (GR: number of days town takes to build a new building: next: number of days till next building is built; RH: number of days till town rebuilt an existent building; flag: are new building being funded?; Fund: remaining months of Fund New Buildings campaign);
- Username and Password are set independently per community in the Intro menu;
- More info to Server direct connect buttons;
- Watch Company Gui patch - by Muxy (Long click on Map button @ top menu and select Watch company);
- Teamchat option in watch gui - when clicked on dot next to company colour, you will teamchat with that company - by The_Dude;
- New OS_Crossover diff (special thanks to Blup for code and Myhorta for showing me the way)
- Potential town population (including unfinished buildings) in town window caption bar - by Novapolis team
- Stuck Trains patch - from Eddi, latest update from adf88 (www.tt-forums.net/viewtopic.php?f=33&t=47095)
- Trip History patch - by Molp, latest update by bcmpinc (www.tt-forums.net/viewtopic.php?f=33&t=33411)
- urlencoded function included to avoid issues when using special Characters in nicknames/passwords;
- Option for depots and road stations to automatically choose direction (Thanks to Novapolis team)
- Local authority detail for all companies in town authority window (Thanks to Novapolis team)
- Added 2 new lines in Town GUI (Thanks to Novapolis team):
* Houses: Building: Houses under construction; RTM: Rebuilt this Month; DTM: Demolished this Month;
* House skip (HS); Cycle skip (CS); House removal (HR); Values appear like: Total (Last_Month) (www.citymania.org/tools/townsim);
- Added new set of hotkeys (thanks to Novapolis team); (read below)
* Not all hotkeys have a default value, but can be set in the hotkeys.cfg file.
- Added Show houses count in towns list, towns can be sorted by it too (Thanks to CityMania team);
- Added Zoning patch - originally here www.tt-forums.net/viewtopic.php?f=33&t=33701 upgraded by Citymania team - our thanks to both and m1 for the merge;
- new CB window (in town window) with auto schedule for regular advertisement, powerfunding, etc (Thanks to CityMania team and m1 for the merge);
- New line for direct server connection on the Intro Menu;
- Some adjustments on the Intro Menu code/server buttons display (thanks Chucky - n-ice team);
- Enabled DpiAwareness (VS100 project file), to avoid scrolling glitches (mostly on Windows 10);
- Added couple buttons to direct access to BTPro VIP Membership page.
- Added Encryption for how info is being sent to the server for Token Login.
- Added buttons to filter by Cargo Type in Graph GUI windows.

Our special thanks to patch makers and, obviously, to OpenTTD development team :)

added/changed: 1.11.2:
- OpenTTD to 1.11.2;

All what's new in 1.5.2+ versions was only possible with m1 's dedication. Earned our respect ingame and outside. Once more our Thanks :)

New hotkeys: (hotkeys.cfg variable: default hotkey, if set)
Build vehicle menu
+ build vehicle, instead of double click / button (build_vehicle: R)

Depot window
+ open build vehicle menu - with hotkey for building vehicle it makes quick combo (depot_build_vehicle: R)
+ clone vehicle - spares lot of mouse moving (depot_clone_vehicle)
+ release all vehicles - no need to click the tiny green flag (depot_go_all: CTRL + F)

Fund industry window
+ build selected industry - for repeated builds of the same industry, very quick to build 100 coal mines, etc. (build_button)
+ open chain window (display_chain)

Orders window
+ close orders window - very good when you want to get rid ot it (close: Q)
+ raise/lower GoTo button - very good in combo with Build vehicle->open orders window->Goto, repeat the same for new vehicle (goto: G)

Vehicle window
+ Open orders window (vehicle_orders: G)
+ Start/Stop vehicle (vehicle_go: F)
+ open refit menu - only in depot (vehicle_refit)
+ clone - only in depot (vehicle_clone)

Town window
+ build statue - no need to open authority window and click

Town authority window
+ adverts (small_advert | medium_advert | large_advert: CTRL +D)
+ build statue (build_statue: CTRL+S)
+ fund buildings (fund_buildings: CTRL +F)

+ build/rebuild HQ (build_hq: CTRL + H)
+ open trees and window with random trees button raised or lower it, it it is raised (trees: I)
+ open NewGRF window (settings_advanced)
+ open Advanced settings window (newgrf_window)

Server buttons legend:
##: - Server number
CV - Company Value
CB - CityBuilder
CV/CB ##: Goal of the server
t - Temperate map
d - Desert map
w - Sub-Arctic map (Winter)
tH - Temperate Hard
t UH - Temperate Ultra Hard


When you startup the client you will see 30 buttons on the bottom of the main screen which represent all our server, you can connect to all our servers directly from the main screen:

To start with you first need to fill in your username & password, this is the same user & pass which you use on our website (openttd.btpro.nl). Use the 2 buttons in the mainscreen (displayed in the screenshot above) to fill them in. Since are our friends, will work too in n-ice community servers (www.n-ice.org/openttd), but usernames and passwords are set separately.

Next, when you are ready, click on any of the button to which server you would like to connect.
When you are connected you will see a welcome screen where you have a big login button, click this button and the client will automatically log you in :-)

We hope you enjoy this client.

More info (installation and Manual) can be found here .

Since is a modified version, if you encounter any bug, report it here (BTPro) as it may be connected to changes made / patches included.
Unless same bug is found on unpatched OpenTTD client, do not report it to OpenTTD development team.


!!! Credits and kudos and everything else we can think of are FULLY for our good friends of the n-ice.org OpenTTD Community , they provided us with the software to control the servers. Thanks guys :-)
The following user(s) said Thank You: ST2, Iceman, Mikeftw, BlueBox, dodger007, Chalea, imfar, nagyvarga, NFIE60LFR, malbec and 32 other people also said thanks.
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Copyright 2020 BTPro OpenTTD Client 1.11.2 (Updated: 08-05-2021) - BTPro - OpenTTD Community.