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"Mother's Day" tournament: Super Mamma Bee 7 years 10 months ago #5972

BTPro team announces the Mother's Day tournament: Super Mamma Bee!

After Father's Day tournament, time to honor the other half: the Mother. Always present for the needs, whims, slaps and hugs ^^
Transposing to OpenTTD, our gaming challenge will be a BusyBee tournament, pompously called Super Mamma Bee.
The hard task will be 60 BusyBee goals to complete ingame. By surprise, to give chances to other timezones, will be a double dose Tournament (03:00 and 15:00 GMT) and, to keep us on our toes, Disasters will be enabled xD
Our special thanks to Alberth and andythenorth for the gamescript and for being the "OpenTTD BusyBees" on it :)

More details below.
Required NewGRF's:
- EX_cities (v0.3): EX_cities.grf (adds Water, Food and Diamonds to Temperate maps. Also modifies cargo payments, build and running costs)
All can be downloaded under "Check Online Content" option/button.

Tournament Date(s):
- 14/05/2017 (Sunday, May 14th) - 03:00 and 15:00 (GMT)

Server Specifics:
- Game version: The stable OpenTTD version on tournament date;
- Gamescript: Busy Bee Gamescript: Fulfill small transport goals (written by Alberth and andythenorth); www.tt-forums.net/viewtopic.php?f=65&t=72498
- Landscape: Temperate
- Map size: 1024x1024
- Rules: BTPro Rules (openttd.btpro.nl/forum/11-server-rules/10-server-rules) WITH rule #3 changed to: Competition allowed secondary or tertiary cargos ONLY to complete given goals.
- Start: 1980
- Companies Autoclean: OFF;
- Breakdowns: OFF;
- Disasters: ON;
- Limits: Trains: 1000, Road vehicles: 1000, Ships: 30, Aircraft: 0 | Station spread: 7 tile(s), Train length: 7 tile(s)
- Max Loan: 400000 GBP;
- Multiple similar industries per town: Disabled;
- Max companies: 15;
- Max players per company: 2;
- Goal: Complete 60 BusyBee goals;

BusyBee goals details:
- BusyBee cargo multiplier: 50%; (100% is- min: 75 units; max: 7500 units);
- Goals are created randomly for each company, but can happen multiple companies have similar goals - BE FRIENDLY :)
- Company Goals can be checked in Goal list window and completed goals in the Storybook;

Reward Points:
- The reward formula will be the one used on BB servers PLUS bonifications.
- BTPro VIP Membership: 1st, 3 months; 2nd, 2 months; 3rd, 1 month. (if more that 1 player per company, days will be divided)
- Registration is not mandatory, but only players that sign up here to tournament will have reserved slots and points.
- Logged in players will also get bonus points for playing.
- Minimal BB completed goals to receive points: 6 (10 % of the goal).

Registering will be closed 1 hour before Tournament game(s) start..

The above settings may be subject of changes.
Meanwhile, all can practice on our server "-BTPro.nl- #97 - ..:: TRAINING ::..". Enjoy the games :)

- Training is very helpful, since newgrf used and despite climate is Temperate, mixes a bit with Desert (Tropic) industries. Again, practice will be the key ^^;
- Building costs are bigger so, a "money maker" starting line is advised (and the initial 10 BB goals take ~2 months to appear - "make cash" is a good way to keep fingers hot ^^);
- Tournament number of BB goals isn't small, therefore... and after "big bucks" start rolling, a second pair of hands will help allot - it's recommended to play with a partner ^^ (unless you really trust your construction speed ability... because it will be needed);
- (to add, as it appears)
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Last edit: by ST2. Reason: Reduced BB goals to 60

"Mother's Day" tournament: Super Mamma Bee 7 years 10 months ago #5973

Reply on this topic to sign up for this event/tournament. To be on same company with other player, please state that, the first player must agree!
Players can register to one or both times. Just state to which you're signing up.

Companies/registered players (Round 1: 03:00 GMT):
1: A&Y Transport: Anni and Yolo (pink)
2: The A Team Transport: Robertkuijt (green)
3: Powerful Oldies Transport: Need to know!! (red)
4: sunistary Transport: sunistary
5: Castle Lemongrab Transport: Mikeftw (yellow)
6: B&M Transport: blackyjack and Miona
7: J&H Transport - jeffpc and hollyt

Companies/registered players (Round 2: 15:00 GMT):
1: A&T Transport: Anni and tomb (pink)
2: BA Baracus Transport: Robertkuijt and Yolo (green)
3: Powerful Oldies Transport: Need to know!! (red)
4: sunistary Transport: sunistary
5: Castle Lemongrab Transport: Mikeftw (yellow)
6: Tanitobacsi transport: tanitobacsi
7: blackyjack Transport: blackyjack
8: J&H Transport - jeffpc and hollyt
The following user(s) said Thank You: Frank, tanitobacsi, Anni, Miona, tomb
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Last edit: by ST2.

"Mother's Day" tournament: Super Mamma Bee 7 years 10 months ago #5974

Sounds like a great tournament! :) 80 goals!
ST2, sign me for Round 2 (15:00 GMT), please.
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"Mother's Day" tournament: Super Mamma Bee 7 years 10 months ago #5981

Just added some Hints/Advices, because I consider them very important - Anyway, as always, practice makes perfection ;)
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"Mother's Day" tournament: Super Mamma Bee 7 years 10 months ago #5982

Sign me up to both. First one with Yolo and second round with tomb, please !
And can we be pink both times?
The following user(s) said Thank You: ST2, tomb

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"Mother's Day" tournament: Super Mamma Bee 7 years 10 months ago #5983

wow, Anni is on fire ^^

signing for both O.o

About pink color, since company #1, I'll make it happen ^^

Edit: Initial loan was raised to 400000 GBP and server goal lowered to 60, instead of 80 BB goals. I alert to the fact that during the Tournament day, servers #77 (#XX TESTS), #K1(EXTREME GOAL) and #33 (BusyBee Goals) might be offline. Thank you for the understanding :)
The following user(s) said Thank You: Anni, DDeyro
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