BTPro team announces the Mother's Day tournament: Super Mamma Bee!
After Father's Day tournament, time to honor the other half: the Mother. Always present for the needs, whims, slaps and hugs ^^
Transposing to OpenTTD, our gaming challenge will be a BusyBee tournament, pompously called Super Mamma Bee.
The hard task will be 60 BusyBee goals to complete ingame. By surprise, to give chances to other timezones, will be a double dose Tournament (03:00 and 15:00 GMT) and, to keep us on our toes, Disasters will be enabled xD
Our special thanks to Alberth and andythenorth for the gamescript and for being the "OpenTTD BusyBees" on it
More details below.
Required NewGRF's:
- EX_cities (v0.3): EX_cities.grf (adds Water, Food and Diamonds to Temperate maps. Also modifies cargo payments, build and running costs)
All can be downloaded under "Check Online Content" option/button.
Tournament Date(s):
- 14/05/2017 (Sunday, May 14th) - 03:00 and 15:00 (GMT)
Server Specifics:
- Game version: The stable OpenTTD version on tournament date;
- Gamescript: Busy Bee Gamescript: Fulfill small transport goals (written by Alberth and andythenorth);
- Landscape: Temperate
- Map size: 1024x1024
- Rules: BTPro Rules ( WITH rule #3 changed to: Competition allowed secondary or tertiary cargos ONLY to complete given goals.
- Start: 1980
- Companies Autoclean: OFF;
- Breakdowns: OFF;
- Disasters: ON;
- Limits: Trains: 1000, Road vehicles: 1000, Ships: 30, Aircraft: 0 | Station spread: 7 tile(s), Train length: 7 tile(s)
- Max Loan: 400000 GBP;
- Multiple similar industries per town: Disabled;
- Max companies: 15;
- Max players per company: 2;
- Goal: Complete 60 BusyBee goals;
BusyBee goals details:
- BusyBee cargo multiplier: 50%; (100% is- min: 75 units; max: 7500 units);
- Goals are created randomly for each company, but can happen multiple companies have similar goals - BE FRIENDLY

- Company Goals can be checked in Goal list window and completed goals in the Storybook;
Reward Points:
- The reward formula will be the one used on BB servers PLUS bonifications.
- BTPro VIP Membership: 1st, 3 months; 2nd, 2 months; 3rd, 1 month. (if more that 1 player per company, days will be divided)
- Registration is not mandatory, but only players that sign up here to tournament will have reserved slots and points.
- Logged in players will also get bonus points for playing.
- Minimal BB completed goals to receive points: 6 (10 % of the goal).
Registering will be closed 1 hour before Tournament game(s) start..
The above settings may be subject of changes.
Meanwhile, all can practice on our server " #97 - ..:: TRAINING ::..". Enjoy the games
- Training is very helpful, since newgrf used and despite climate is Temperate, mixes a bit with Desert (Tropic) industries. Again, practice will be the key ^^;
- Building costs are bigger so, a "money maker" starting line is advised (and the initial 10 BB goals take ~2 months to appear - "make cash" is a good way to keep fingers hot ^^);
- Tournament number of BB goals isn't small, therefore... and after "big bucks" start rolling, a second pair of hands will help allot - it's recommended to play with a partner ^^ (unless you really trust your construction speed ability... because it will be needed);
(to add, as it appears)