BTPro team announces a Special "Father's Day" event: Holy Mary!!
This tournament is a homage to all parents! All the efforts for the "kids"!
Many, if not all, were, are, or will be on this position and I was sensitized by
this story
Couldn't get Coffee on demands and, despite one of the most important as being Father (self experience), the demand's sequence itself, almost tell a story too.
Therefore, to all Fathers, congrats and enjoy the tournament game on Father's day. Grab your "kids" too... to play, or watch

If not the case, grab your father ^^
Required NewGRF's:
- FIRS 2 - firs.grf;
- Road Hog - road-hog.grf;
- FISH 2 - fish.grf;
- Iron Horse - iron-horse.grf;
All can be downloaded under "Check Online Content" option/button too.
Tournament Date:
- 19/03/2017 (Sunday, March 19th) - 16:00 (GMT)
Server Specifics:
- Custom made map - will be a drift between industries - Will be launched 1 hour before tournament starts;
- Game version: The stable OpenTTD version on tournament date;
- Gamescript: Aphid's CB Gamescript;
- Landscape: Arctic;
- Map size: 1024x1024
- BTPro rules:
- Start: 1990; End: Goal
- Companies Autoclean: OFF;
- Limits: Trains: 1000, Road vehicles: 1000, Ships: 100, Aircraft: 20 | Station spread: 7 tile(s) (ONLY 3 airports)
- Breakdowns: OFF;
- Max Loan: 500000 GBP;
- Multiple similar industries per town enabled;
- Fund Industries enabled (ALL types);
- Max companies: 15;
- Max players per company: 2;
- Goal: Build a town with 18000 inhabitants;
- Mandatory build HQ at start;
Tournament town demands, at
bold: (amount values are for 1000 inhabitants)
- Milk: from 200 population; amount: (
100; Cargo storage decay: 20%;
- Food: from 400 population; amount: (
80; Cargo storage decay: 10%;
- Passengers: from 1000 population; amount: (
300; No Storage;
- Mail: from 1500 population; amount: (
30; No Storage;
- Coal: from 2500 population; amount: (
75; Cargo storage decay: 2%;
- Wool: from 4000 population; amount: (
75; Cargo storage decay: 2%;
- Goods: from 5500 population; amount: (
120; Cargo storage decay: 5%;
- Recyclables: from 6500 population; amount: (
50; Cargo storage decay: 2%;
- Building Materials: from 8000 population; amount: (
60; Cargo storage decay: 3%;
- Alcohol: from 10000 population; amount: (
50; Cargo storage decay: 2%;
- Town Distributes (loaded on claimed town and delivered elsewhere, including same town ^^)
* 30% of Passengers produced; from 1000 population;
* 30% of Mail produced; from 1500 population;
Reward Points:
- The reward formula will be the one used on CB servers PLUS a bonus of 2x for winner(s) and 1,5x to the others (and some other bonifications ^^).
- BTPro VIP Membership: 1st, 3 months; 2nd, 2 months; 3rd, 1 month. (if more that 1 player per company, days will be divided)
- Registration is not mandatory, but only players that sign up here to tournament will have reserved slots and points.
- Logged in players will also get bonus points for playing.
- Minimal population to receive points: 1800 (10 % of the goal)
- Points would be adjusted
Registering will be closed at March 19th, 15:00.
The above settings may be subject to change.
Meanwhile, all can practice on our ..:: TRAINING SERVER ::.. Enjoy the games

Note: Tournament map will be Custom made - this server is only to practice! (attention to 1st cargo demanded and industry(ies) needed for it) #97 ..:: TRAINING SERVER ::..
Good luck us all