I will try to update this information topic more once i get some spare time but for now im going to share the most important information
Firs is for the moment the only Newgrf server we are hosting and a list of content will come soon.
Mainly its a server for the full industry replacement set wich totaly modifies the game experience and you have to play differently to achieve success here.
*On the FIRS goal server you are encouraged to bring friends to do some COOP play because the 500 million goal may take as long as the 1500 goal on a longgoal server.
*COOP/TEAMPLAY does not reduce the amount of points you get at all. so you can bring many friends, start 1 company and it will have no effect on the amount of point you get at the end of the map.
*Passengers is not the goal of this servers. therefor there are only a few cities on this map. with the purpose of giving players somewhere to drop goods and other wares meant for cities.
*FUNDING TOWN is enable on this server. yes it costs quite a bit to set one up but the cities you found on this map belong to you and no other player may enter you'r city without permission!
I now challenge you all to gather a friend or 2 and try set some good scores on this map!
