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Path Signal Mulfunction 11 years 5 months ago #2095

Path Signal have bugs.
As seen on the image the staion is empty. But the train waits for a free way alltough there isn't any train in the way

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Path Signal Mulfunction 11 years 5 months ago #2103


Unfortunatly this is a openttd bug. We can't solve those. If you want you can file a error report with the openttd team at: openttd.org

Im by the way not sure if this is an error of openttd, or if your signals are maybe not right, so before putting in a report to the openttd team i would suggest you track down if you haven't got any errors in the signaling yourself.

Best regards,

Server Admin

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Path Signal Mulfunction 11 years 5 months ago #2125

I've been playing using path signals for years and had thousands and thousands of trains use them. In all this time, whenever a signal doesn't seem to be doing what it's supposed it, it's always my fault. So before going on, first make sure that you have checked everything to make sure it's not something wrong with your setup:

1. Trains approaching a path signal from the back, will reserve the entire stretch up to the next signal facing the right way around
2. Make sure your track is complete - check everything from the source to the destination and make sure there are no missing bits (often I find that I have a diagonal piece missing or sometimes issues can occurs when building on different levels)
3. Check which way the train is facing - try reversing it if you've fixed everything else

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Path Signal Mulfunction 11 years 5 months ago #2126

Yeah this was just minor issue caused by using both way PBS signals and actual track layout, was solved on sight.
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