Two new rule clarifications have been added to the ingame !rules feature and are present on the forum house rules list. Please check and conform to the new rule additions. These have always been present but have been hard for admin to enforce due to poor clarification. There shall be no excuses for not building properly in towns/ cities anymore!
Rule #11 - All stations that are apart (not physically attached) have to be a seperate station
(Any part of a station ie. bus stop that is not physically connected to the other part ie. train station. Includes any station (or part here of that cannot be accessed by a vehicle)
Rule #12 - All road vehicle stations must not be longer than 3 tiles. You are not allowed to go round corners on town/ city roads with stations. A second unqiue station must be built.
(i.e. Town North is a 3 tile long bus stop in a STRAIGHT line and Town South is a 3 tile long bus stop in a STRAIGHT line, for a 3x3 city grid! If it is a 2x2 city grid then you'll be forced to only have bus/ lorry stops as a length of 2)
Happy Gaming,
Server Admin