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VoteBan appeal 8 years 2 months ago #5748

ingame name: moviesivan
banned by: voteban
reason&explanation: apparently verubuweni(yellow company) was not happy to see me "steal" coal from industries he placed stations on firstly(though i was the first one to place the station on one of mines he placed his too),so he started blocking my road vehicles, and Kalaffha(red company, was the one who started voteban on me) thought that "Do not put full load orders on road vehicles in shared towns/cities." applies to industries and trains too(if it does, I am ready to sit through the bad, but I do insist on banning Verubuweni for sure).
Since I can't use non-image attachments, here's the link to google drive with savefile showing the situation before ban(sign is supposed to be a call for admin for me placing full load order) drive.google.com/open?id=0B36ABYK4o1WLMVd3VjRuN2pSYVE

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VoteBan appeal 8 years 2 months ago #5749

Oh, voteban isn't long at all. I'll make a separate thread on complains branch.

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