HCL do you never sleep?
04:29 ST2 yeah, unless some Slo kids decide to strike
04:29 ST2 hopefully it's all good ingame
04:30 ST2 HCL: please mind your language and commands you use
04:30 ST2 agree?!
04:31 HCL commands? you mean !voteban
04:31 ST2 HCL, do you agree?
04:31 ST2 yeah
04:31 HCL meaned it just funny...but ok. no prob
04:32 ST2 our experience is: the player that start the !voteban is the one that got banned
04:32 ST2 when there's a rulebreak and no admin online, we have our forum for complaints
04:33 ST2 HCL: had you a fundament to start even the !voteban
04:34 ST2 ?
04:34 ST2 I'm curious now
04:34 HCL hm....he shot me with stupid things without any fundament.
04:35 ST2 yeah
04:35 HCL so i did it
04:35 ST2 was ther any admin online to help you?
04:35 HCL the best
04:35 ST2 instead of starting a !voteban
04:35 ST2 ?
04:36 HCL yo...next time
04:36 ST2 so, why you, didn't asked for admin assistance (with !admin command)?
04:36 ST2 next time isn't an option... several times
04:37 ST2 HCL, the player Slo is here
04:37 ST2 and imo, you have some words to say to him
04:37 HCL now...he's reading
04:37 HCL thought it was only fun
04:37 ST2 and imo, you have some words to say to him
04:37 ST2 pick your words carefully ^^
04:38 HCL no...nothing 2 say him
04:38 ST2 thx HCL
04:38 ST2 any last words?
04:39 HCL yo...thx for unbanning
04:39 ST2 yw
04:39 ST2 that gives me the pleasure of bannig you again ^^
04:39 --- ST2 has banned *!
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04:40 *** HCL was kicked by ST2 (Kick!)
04:40 !!! You have been kicked from #btpro-chat
ST2 my actions were taken after check ingame chats (both abused - that's why the tempban - was quite short)
04:51 ST2 that way I geto you both here and talk to both
04:51 mib_985hcv why u kicked me again. what did i wrong?
04:51 ST2 my decision after... it's known ^^
04:51 Slo HCL is back
04:51 ST2 sorry mib_985hcv: I have no idea who you are
04:52 mib_985hcv I did say that i did it wrong. but why do i have to crawl in his ass?
04:52 mib_985hcv hcl
04:52 ST2 if the case it's HCL, there's this page:
04:53 ST2 read what's there and document well your point
04:53 ST2 create a new topic about your Unban request
04:53 mib_985hcv and the document says to crawl in there??
04:53 mib_985hcv ok
04:54 mib_985hcv this IS my unban request
04:55 ST2 anyway, my beauty nap time
04:55 ST2 mib_985hcv ( whoelse you are), leave the unban post - I'll check it tomorrow
04:56 mib_985hcv Don't understand you. I apologized for that what i did. And you mak a big fish of it. I only want to play
04:56 ST2 gn8 all
04:56 ST2 o/
04:56 Slo gn
Please unban me.