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banned for real this time 10 years 7 months ago #3198

fOur20 banned by tomate for breaking station spread rule

All day today tomate had issues with me supposedly breaking the damn spread rule. He said I'm known for (this particular or general? ) rule breaking and reseted me on first occasion. Well, I did get a warning and was told to fix station spreading and I thought I did - unfortunately not the way tomate expected, therefore - 1st reset.

Here's a copy of problematic station:
Station 1

What I did to fix the problem was I added RVs transfering pax and mail from nearby town because obviously having RV stops attached and unused is a rule break. After the reset I found out you can't use 3x1 bus stop to feed to train station (that's what I thought at the time).

Next time I got reset was caused by station like this:
Station 2

Here I used single bus and truck stop happily thinking I finally understood the rule fully. After the reset and delicate explaining to tomate that I am not playing a fool and I do not know what the hell was wrong with that station I got some guidelines from him which got me to believe that the rule is simply not allowing stupid setups like that and that it all has to be packed as much as possible.

Which brings us to the third reset followed by a ban:
Station 3

After brief conversation where I asked what's wrong with this station he finally said: "what about RV stations being within 1 tile of train station rule?"

If he had said it the first time he reset me - I would've not done it again. But he must had overestimated my intelligence and never said it straight. It's my fault too because two times I said that now I understand the rule but it turned out I didn't, probably why tomate lost patience.
Now, if what he said is actually true - why isn't it phrased exactly like that within station spread rule? It would have made everything clear to everyone and many unpleasant situations could've been avoided, let alone explaining to people the same thing over and over again.

Bottom line: I sincerly appologize for causing trouble and kindly ask for lifting the ban as I would love to be able to play on BTPro because lately it's my favoritte network.
Last edit: by kraFtzu. Reason: correcting some mistakes
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banned for real this time 10 years 7 months ago #3200

Well, I leave this one to Tomate, since he's the one who saw the situation and took action, but:

I think it's kinda weird that if you get a warning the first time plus an explanation of what you did wrong you are trying to "bend" the rules once again. Then, after another warning you do it again :-S.

Is it just me or are you constanly trying to see how far you can get? Cause if thats the case, an appologie will not be enough to lift your ban, you have to comply to the rules and respect them, just like all other players, otherwise you will have a unfair advantage over others which is offcourse not fair!

Think about it, if you're lucky, tomate will lift your ban or it is a tempban.

Just my thoughts!

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banned for real this time 10 years 7 months ago #3202

I wasn't bending the rules to see how far I can get. I was certain my station layouts are just fine as I was not aware of the "1 tile" rule. That last station that got me banned (tempbanned, actualy) - I didn't rly benefit from that minor coverage extend as it was overlaping with feeder stations. The rule says "no spreading to gain unfair advantage" - where was my advantage there? I dunno. I built it like that for only one reason - the looks. I always try to make my network look perfect - having those RV stops attached to station the way they were made RVs swarm around that spot which IMO looks good. THATS IT! No intention of extending coverage by 5 (FIVE) extra tiles!
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banned for real this time 10 years 7 months ago #3203

The looks of a station sounds like a real bullshit reason to me, especially since station 1 and 2 look very weird to me.

Do not station spread with airports, docks, train or road vehicle stations to extend coverage area to additional resources including towns and cities unfairly.

I think that is actually pretty clear, I think this leaves little doubt on that stations 1 and 2 are wrong. Station 3 is more of a grey area, I'm going to be honest, I sometimes don't give stations like that a 2nd look, but if someone was spreading a lot before, or is spreading in other places, I will include those stations too, as that player clearly has to learn the rules in the most strict way.

That's my opinion on your spreading. And I also agree with Frank, it definetely looks, from your own description, that you were trying to find the limits of the rules and try to bend them in your favor, especially since your first sentence clearly shows that you don't really like the spreading rules.
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banned for real this time 10 years 7 months ago #3204

oh boy...
I think you have figured me out, you have read between the lines and reached my subconscious.
When I think about it, when I read my words again - it does make sense. I was trying to get the most out of what is allowed but because I didn't fully understand the rule - I broke it. That's all I got in my defense. Once again I appologize and also ask to take into consideration the fact that I am a kind and helpful player that always tries to help others with a piece of advice (maybe sometimes I try to shove it down ones throat but those stubborn newbs never learn =P ), I sometimes reset myself when I'm about to win to let the less experianced finish the game while shov- I mean sharing - advice with them =)
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banned for real this time 10 years 7 months ago #3218

I was just commenting on what I think it looked like, I'm not stating that it was, I believe you if you say it was an honest mistake, but I can also see why tomate might've thought you were trying to bend the spreading rule. With the disappearing messages (you can read them back ofc) and the fact that the written word isn't always as clear as the spoken word, combined with a possible small language barrier if one or both of the people communicating don't speak English on a native speaker level, can make for unclear situations.
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