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morgul 11 years 7 months ago #1845

I was still playing when I DALUSH went bankrupt a company and I did not know and which I did buy my crack, and create another company and was quiet again I started playing and writing empeso dalush not let the other firm fish roll that went bankrupt again, buy it and was quiet when DALUSH other beside me I no longer fish was changing my station when I delete my eStation dalush I had bought that which was wanted for envy seems a new player is better than the
I rewrite the chat that he was breaking the rules which in my opinion was not haci. because he himself had created that station dalush and delete me again, and then I miss the dalush server if you can not play for you with new downloads to the chat I wrote that it was poor creating businesses
Now if they want new people to join them deverian administrators have not as terrible as DALUSH the end all players go to other games I play ottd m from two 6.22 and I'm sad that I squeeze out unfair things now I can not enter any server of btpro when ever and played well, bring to dalush lousy administrator is creating businesses.

morgul bye he went to another game more better :)

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