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Clariffication on Rule #3 10 months 2 weeks ago #8443

If a Player has laid claim to a town and there is a primary industry within the local authority of said town, does the Player of the claimed town "own" all rights to cargo that is produced at that primary industry or can other Players transport goods from that said primary industry?

Example: Player#1 has a farm within the town they claimed. Player#2 transports the cargo from there. Does Player#1 have a right to claim this is cargo stealing/unfair by Player#2?

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Clariffication on Rule #3 10 months 2 weeks ago #8444

Just call an admin in situations like this - whenever you have doubts about rules or simply a bad feeling about something you are itching to do - better be safe than sorry. If you then get no response within couple of minutes you are safe to pillage that farm =D

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