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how does vip membership work? 8 years 3 months ago #5596

Hi! The servers tell me to see the website for more information about VIP membership, but either I am blind or stupid... I can't find it :D

Can someone point me in the right direction?


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how does vip membership work? 8 years 3 months ago #5597

Hi Cronester,

Yeah, maybe we need to point it out better on the website, but you can find the VIP Membership page under the "about us" menu item. Click on that and select: "BTPro VIP Membership" :-)

We will make sure that it will be easier to find in the future, thanks for pointing this out to us :)

Best regards,

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how does vip membership work? 8 years 3 months ago #5600

I understand the need for funds, i am a regular player, i respect the work every admin puts into it, but still the servers wont operate costfree, and hopefully this vip membership might work to receive some more donations, but i have a little complaint.

First, i don't feel the desire to have my name mentioned on whichever game is started, for instance, I only play CB games, maybe if i donate, i am content with my name only on servers i play on....?

Second, as a regular player, i feel a little harrassed, pushed, by this vip membership message every 15 minutes or so. In my opinon it's too much, too often, it kinda bothers me enough to post this... :oops:

nonetheless, end of the year you can expect to see another donation from me, not for the vip stuff, just as a thank you for another fun gameyear.
The following user(s) said Thank You: tomb

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how does vip membership work? 8 years 3 months ago #5602

Hi Wacko1976,

You're right, the need for funds is indeed there since we are running 3 dedicated servers which need a payment each month. We are still paying lots of money every month from our own pockets to make this community even possible... To light that weight a little bit I made the VIP membership thingy...

The thing that you are saying that you are a regular player, doesn't really matter, cause a LOT of players who are regular are not like you, sending a donation at the end of the year (Thanks again for that!), they just play, play and play for hours on our servers not even thinking about the costs, they are just complaining about lag or a slow server (easy enough right?) and expect everything on the internet te be for free... Anyway, you get my point...

Maybe you are right that it could get a little bit irritating sometimes to see each 15 minutes who sponsored the game, but its a message for only a few seconds and for sure you shouldn't be bothered with it. It's NOT to put pressure on you or anyone else, people just like to see their names pop up once in a while.

Now, for a solution to this issue: I am thinking about not showing the message about the sponsor to donators (which you are), then you can choose if you want those messages simply by donating (which, in your case is already done :) ). How do you think about that?

It's very difficult to maintain a community like this. It takes LOTS of time to code things that people like, and on top of that, it even costs our own money. I would like to try to make the community pay for itself, but I need the willingness from other players to do so as well. That turns out to be VERY difficult. :-(

Wacko1976, it would be nice if we could have a chat on IRC soon about this, the link is under the "About Us" menu item.

Hope to speak to you soon.

Best regards,

Server Admin and Webmaster
The following user(s) said Thank You: tomb

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how does vip membership work? 8 years 3 months ago #5605

Sorry to interrupt your conversation :)

Frank wrote: I am thinking about not showing the message about the sponsor to donators

It is a good idea imho. Regular donators usually do not donate to be famous. And yes, the message is a little bit irritating ;)
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Last edit: by tomb.

how does vip membership work? 8 years 3 months ago #5606

Right... i get it, the message is a bit irritating. We will discuss what to do with it. Maybe i will get rid of it completely, although that would mean that you will see who the sponsor is when you enter the game and when the goal is reached only...

Will keep you posted... The VIP thing is just implemented, so I'm still searching on options to add, show, etc...

Ideas are always welcome ofcourse! ;-)

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