Its clear that there are two types of players and these types are incompatible with this server.
Those who seek profit will always triumph over those that seek to build networks. I have always believed if you want extensive networks you would have to either play solo or in a private game where you trust the other players.
That said cheating can be an issue and I think here that there is a mis-understanding of playing the game and cheating cheating does have a definition and where it is seen that people are cheating Action can be taken against them, this however requires evidence and t is not always possible for a moderator to be online 24/7 (they have lives too!!) where a moderator is not present then evidence should be gained the best evidence is a screenshot clearly showing what rule is being breached along with a brief statement of what you feel has happened.
To have a score you must have registered and to have registered you must have seen the rules. Your reminded about them at each login so ignorance is NOT an excuse in these cases.