BTPro team announces the Mother's Day tournament, 2018 Edition: Super Mamma Bee!
Honoring the Mother: there's only one! Always present for the needs, whims, slaps and hugs. And always awake ^^
Transposing to OpenTTD, our gaming challenge will be a BusyBee tournament, pompously called Super Mamma Bee.
The hard task will be 80 BusyBee goals to complete, 40 on 1st round and 40 on 2nd round. To give chances to other timezones, will be a double "dose" Tournament (03:00 and 15:00 GMT) xD
Will be a 2 round Tournament, winning conditions explained below

Our special thanks to Alberth and andythenorth for the gamescript and for being the "OpenTTD BusyBees" on it
Required NewGRF's:
- BaseCosts (v.5): basecosts.grf (noticeable changes: placing roads is cheaper, removing them expensivier - placing roads will be monitored);
- FIRS Industry Replacement Set 3 (v.3.0.8 ): firs.grf;
- Road Hog (v.1.3.0): road-hog.grf;
- Squid Ate FISH - FISH 2 (v.2.0.3): fish.grf;
All can be downloaded under "Check Online Content" option/button.
Tournament Date(s):
- 13/05/2018 (Sunday, May 13th) - 03:00 and 15:00 (GMT)
Server Specifics:
- Game version: The stable OpenTTD version on tournament date;
- Gamescript: Busy Bee Gamescript: Fulfill small transport goals (written by Alberth and andythenorth);
- Landscape: Random (will be taken the one on 3rd restart - another restart can be made on 2nd round, to climates don't repeat);
- Map size: 1024x1024
- Rules: BTPro Rules ( WITH rule #3 changed to: Competition allowed secondary or tertiary cargos ONLY to complete given goals.
- Start: 1985
- Companies Autoclean: OFF;
- Breakdowns: OFF;
- Disasters: OFF;
- Limits: Trains: 0, Road vehicles: 3000, Ships: 500, Aircraft: 0 | Station spread: 5 tile(s)
- Max Loan: 300000 GBP;
- Multiple similar industries per town: Enabled;
- Fund Industries: Disabled;
- Max companies: 15;
- Max players per company: 2;
- Goal: Complete 40 BusyBee goals;
BusyBee goals details:
- BusyBee cargo multiplier: 100%; (100% is- min: 75 units; max: 7500 units);
- Goals are created randomly for each company, but can happen multiple companies have similar goals - BE FRIENDLY

- Company Goals can be checked in Goal list window and completed goals in the Storybook;
Reward Points (following below Winning conditions):
- The reward formula will be the one used on BB servers PLUS bonifications;
- BTPro VIP Membership: 1st, 3 months; 2nd, 2 months; 3rd, 1 month. (if more that 1 player per company, days will be divided);
- Points given: 1st, 1400 points; 2nd, 1300 points: 3rd, 1200 points. (if more that 1 player per company, points will be divided); *
- Signing up is not mandatory, but only players that sign up here to tournament will have reserved slots and points.
- Logged in players will also get bonus points for playing;
- Minimal BB completed goals to receive points: 8 (10 % of the goal);
* 1st will be the reference, others can be adjusted if the gaps between ranks justify it (see below Winning conditions);
Winning conditions:
- Sum of both rounds, set by company names which will be defined by the players registered and playing on that company (a player only can be on 1 company per round); **
- Times to complete each goal won't be taken in account, only the time when the last goal is reached (** and # of goals completed per company);
- If more that 1 company gets same "podium" ranks, times will be considered to filter and align - same criteria will be applied for other ranks;
Registering will be closed 1 hour before Tournament game(s) start..
The above settings may be subject of changes.
Meanwhile, all can practice on our server " #XX - ..:: TRAINING ::..". Enjoy the games
Will have random climates, to give a chance to train on them all
Reply on this topic to sign up for this event/tournament. To be on same company with other player, please state that, the first player must agree!
Players can register to one or both times. Just state to which you're signing up.
In advance, Good Luck all
Edit: During Tournament Rounds, ALL or SOME servers may be shutdown, because of resources and give opportunity to admins participate on Tournament too. Thank you for understanding.