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Server 30 Auto Restarting 1 year 1 month ago #8385

I'll do some games today and let you know how it goes.

Thank you Frank for your help.
The following user(s) said Thank You: Frank
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Server 30 Auto Restarting 1 year 1 month ago #8388

It just did it again after a voterestartgame, same issue with not accepting ! commands
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Server 30 Auto Restarting 1 year 1 month ago #8392

Unfortunately at this moment I have no idea what to do about it and what is so different on Server 30 what is causing these issues...
I have saved the logs of the console, but the only thing it says is this:

[16:33:03] [AdminInterface] TCP connection established, negotiating...
[16:33:13] [AdminInterface] An error of type ConnectTimeout occured! (Autoreconnect: yes)
[16:33:13] [AdminInterface] Disconnecting...
[16:33:13] [AdminInterface] Disconnected.
[16:33:13] [AdminInterface] Reconnecting in 10 seconds...

But both the Console and the Controller are running on the same serve... It's a mystery!
The following user(s) said Thank You: Dogballs420
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Server 30 Auto Restarting 1 year 1 month ago #8394

Thanks for looking into this Frank.
Unfortunately I got kicked after '1hour with no companies' again just now while so close to finishing :(
Last edit: by Dogballs420.
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Server 30 Auto Restarting 10 months 4 weeks ago #8433

This bug seems to be following a pattern - upon reaching the goal of 14k city the server restarts as expected, I am able to join and start a company but none of the client !cmds work, not even !login, neither BT client CTRL+L interface nor copying a code from the website. Then after 1h server restarts and only after that automatic restart is playable again until someone reaches the goal and the cycle repeats. I was playing entire day today (with some afk breaks but didn't miss any goal reached restarts) and this happened every time for total of 3 times.
Oh, don't get me wrong please, I am not complaining =D Just reporting a bug and describing circumstances in which it occurred =)
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Server 30 Auto Restarting 10 months 4 weeks ago #8434

Thanks KraFtzu,

This bug is kind of a pain. I can see that the admin interface disconnects, but I can’t figure out why…

I will be back from holiday tomorrow, will see if I can find some time to re-look into this.


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