To be entirely honest, I think the novapolis way of handling intracity pax is a completely artificial construct, which is the consequence purely of excessive min/maxing of every possible strategy to gain passengers/mail in a town at minimal cost using all possible variables and variations.
The method in question involves classic 'bus switch' style stations which involve 8 road stop tiles which have been merged with eachother into two separate stations, with all the uneven and even-valued tiles (if we index them) grouped together. Thus a series A-B-A-B-A-B-A-B is created.
It has a capacity of 30 vehicles, but more importantly those 30 road vehicles can deliver around 5,000 units per month. By comparison a single train station (which takes up 7 tiles of real estate and does NOT provide road access unlike this method, which thus takes up virtually no space at all) makes up not even 1,000 units per month, and costs you a train. 5 trains make far more money than 30 road vehicles in OpenTTD thus wasting trains on intracity pax where you could use your road vehicle budget instead hurts your wallet (this in turn reduces possible expenditure amount(s)).
It's got very little if anything to do with antisocial gameplay or even with directly making money, the main two reasons of the existence of the strategy are firstly the vehicle limit, and the second reason is the fact that road layout is the main contributor to town growth rate (the second contributor is that you can build at least 'this' fast. 'This' depends on a lot of game variables, of course, but building anything faster than 'this' doesn't really benefit you).
On the whole though the actual implementation of this strategy is strangely highly invariant of the game variables which makes it kind of boring from a strategic perspective. Once it is learnt, it becomes pure execution and automation with little variation. Consider a trading game where you can trade 5 different kinds of fruits, but bananas always ends up making the most money in all situations, so the strategy is to simply ignore the other four types. It's that kind of strategy. Unfortunately overruling this banana effect is quite the challenge.
I personally believe YACD is a great answer to the problem iff you're playing solo. CargoDist may become one too iff there can be some way to make it efficiently scale cargo output of a node with its 'network connectivity constant' (Defined to be 0 for unconnected nodes, 1 for fully connected nodes, and weighted linear in between). Mostly because you're -FORCED- here to build an efficient network. The real 'RULE' here that can make this rigid is to explicitly forbid teleporting between vehicles of the same type with the sole purpose of vehicle count reduction (or if there were transfer penalties).