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Moderator re-appliance Lee14141 7 years 3 months ago #6244

In-game name:
Time-zone: UTC +1
Country: The netherlands
Have you ever been banned? If yes, why?: No
Have you read the rules and agree to follow them: Yes
What times are you most active?: evenings from 19:00 until 21:30
Sex [Male/Female] : Male
Why do you want to be a moderator, And why should we make you one?: I want to be a moderator so i can help people better, and so i can solve their problems instead of helping them find the right person to solve it for them. You should make me a moderator because i believe i could help the team, i'm not special, just a human, but 1 extra is always better than 1 less.
~Play on

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Moderator re-appliance Lee14141 7 years 3 months ago #6245

hello Lee14141 :)
Thank you for your (re)application. Thins means you know the drill: IRC presence and when we feel you're ready, we'll contact you ^^
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Moderator re-appliance Lee14141 7 years 1 week ago #6482

I have been offline a lot lately because school has been a lot of work and has been hard on my mental state. I think i will have to take back my appliance to become a moderator as i do not feel like i am going to have the time to play a lot in the future. Sorry for this, but i'm just too tired and busy.
~Play on

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Moderator re-appliance Lee14141 7 years 1 week ago #6483

hey Lee14141 :)

Sorry to hear that. Anyway, sometimes it's good being busy ^^

All the best to you :)
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